DJ Mark One interview | Respect the Dj interview

How did you get into DJing? 

I lived next door to a regional DMC champion, I saw him one day in his garden with his turntables and mixer set up and I was hooked from then, he was mixing and scratching and I thought it was the most amazing thing in the world, 30 years later Im still doing it.

What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?

When I first started there was no youtube or internet, I started in 1987, I used to purchased pirated vis videos of the DMC world finals and try to copy the routines by all the DJs.

What did your first setup look like?

2 x Technics SL-1210 turntables and a realistic mixer.I have a few CDJS, 2 pairs of turntables, many DJ controllers, a Prime 4, some technics SLP-1200 CD players, a serato box, tractor box and rekordbox.

How did you get your DJ/Artist name?

There was a guy on Yo MTV Raps called Todd One who was funny… I kinda took the name from him … Todd One … Mark One.


If you could DJ at any 3 events/festivals what would they be?

I’ve played most of the festivals in Europe…. so the ones I haven’t done yet are Tommorowland, Burning Man, and Ultra..

If you could DJ in any 3 cities what would they be?

Los Angeles, Rio, and Tokyo.

If you could be a tour DJ for any artist (dead or alive), who would it be?

wow…. now that’s a good question. I was the tour DJ for a band called Texas for 12 years, we were Europes biggest selling band selling out areas all over Europe.

I suppose in would have to be MJ or LL Cool J.

What is your goal when you play live?

To make everybody happy when they leave the venue, if people have had a good night then my job is done.


What's your go to song right now?

I have currently stepped away from residency DJing to focus on the education side of DJing, as Im doing a lot of work in schools and colleges the biggest track they react to is Crab Rave….the kids go nuts to that song or anything off meme videos too ha ha .

What is your dream as a DJ?

After being a professional touring DJ for 25 years my dream now is to educate and help the next generation.

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream to become a DJ?

1, get in the environment, learn from watching other DJs, 2, network network network.

Where can people find you? (social media, website, etc.)

Google DJ Mark One …. it’s all on page one.