DJ Arzadous interview | Respect the Dj Interview

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How did you get into Djing?

Since I was a kid I always loved electronic music and all the “dj life” and I dreamed to be one of them. Latter, In 2005 i took Hip-Hop dj lessons to learn how the turntables worked, but was in 2007 when finally got my own turntables.

What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?

I must say that i'm a person that loves to learn new things (at any subjet in my life), I'm always reading or watching tutorials.

What did your first setup look like?

I remember that it was 2 “Omnitronic” turntables, I think no one know that brand but they were cheap but very useful to learn, and about the mixer I really can't remember the name or brand but It was “very crappy” hahahaha.

What does your current setup look like?

Actually I have 2 Pioneer CDJ 350 and as a mixer a Behringer DJX700 Pro. I could change them to a “more Pro” equipment but honestly I normally don't play at the studio that much as for investing in a new one.

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How did you get your DJ/Artist name?

I'm a big fan of EMINEM since I was a kid, and there is a song called “Hazardous Youth”, I loved that word, how it looks and the meaning itself. So I dicided to tweak it a little bit to make it more personal and special. And that's why it changed from Hazardous to Arzadous. I also wanted an artist name which start with the same vocal as my real name: Abel.

If you could DJ at any 3 events/festivals what would they be?

I must say that I feel really lucky at the moment, because I've played in 2 of my top 3 festivals: Defqon.1. Decibel Outdoor Festival and Tomorrowland.

If you could DJ in any 3 cities what would they be?

Definitely: Las Vegas, Moscow and Tokyo.

If you could be a tour DJ for any artist (dead or alive), who would it be?

Avicii, I would pay to live something like that. I understad that his life was a huge stress but would love to see and feel how was that kind of life.

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What is your goal when you play live?

I really love to see when I play a new track and people that doesn't know it goes really crazy. It's an amazing experience!!!!

What's your go to song right now?

I have a lot of songs in my mind but if I had to choose one I would say:

“D-Block & S-Te-Fan – The Sound Of The Thunder (D-Sturb Remix)”

It's a very energetic track, just as I love Hardstyle!

What is your dream as a DJ?

My dream, more than being famous or very well known artist, Is that the people who listen and follow my music gets in love with it. I prefer that, for example, 500 people love my music with all its passion than 500Millions people if they dont feel my music.

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream to become a DJ?

Hardwork and passion!!! There will be a lot of oportunities out there with hardworking, It doesn't matter if they don't become succesful but at least try it and fight for your dreams. Believe in yourself.

Where can people find you? (social media, website, etc.)

People can find me at