Tani Gomez Interview - Respect the Dreamer

This interview was curated by Start Shows. (www.instagram.com/startshows)

Introduce yourself

My name is Tani Gomez I’m a visual artist with a passion for character design and sculpting.

What inspired you to pursue your dream, and how did it all begin?

Not creating art is like a having a wasps nest buzzing around in my head. It’s a constant reminder that I need to be creating and nothing else. When I pick up a brush or work on a sculpture the buzzing stops and I feel at ease.

Can you share a defining moment in your journey that shaped your perspective and fueled your passion?

The recent death of my father reminded me that we all live on borrowed time. If time doesn’t belong to us then we should cherish and make the best of every moment before it’s taken away from us.

How do you handle setbacks and keep pushing forward in the pursuit of your dreams?

I except my defeats and walk away with the lessons, take time to recover and try a new approach.

Are there specific individuals who have inspired you along the journey?

My wife has always been a pillar of support in all my endeavors. I selfishly pursue this lifestyle for myself in an effort to provide for my family but her constant devotion and belief in me gives me the strength to keep trying.

How do you maintain a balance between pursuing your dreams and handling everyday responsibilities?

I keep in mind that no matter what family comes first this makes it easy to drop everything and take care of what matters most.

How do you overcome self-doubt and stay confident in your abilities?

I Learned to embrace mistakes and failures, this helps me spend less time being angry when things go wrong and focus my energy on staying productive.

Can you share a memorable success story or achievement that resulted from your determination?

I have my first film credit on a major motion picture.

In what ways do you stay motivated during challenging times?

I take a break and meditate on the process. I close my eyes and go through the steps in my mind like a rehearsal before the show.

What dream are you living right now?

I’m showing my work in New York City Galleries.

What advice would you give to someone with a dream?

Put it down on paper make a list of short term goals that will help you get to the bigger picture, and keep going even when you reached that goal.

Website: http://TaniGomez.com

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/stories/art_of_tani/3314954880617932299/

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