Alicia Smidth Interview - Bright Future

In our Bright Future series we sit down with a young artist that is making their dreams a reality.

Introduce yourself

Hey this VD aka VD arts.

How did you get your Artist name?

I got my artist name because I have two middle names, Virgina and dawn which is both of my grandmother's first names so I wanted to keep their name attached to my brand.

How did you get into creating?

I got onto creating because when I was younger I used to watch my older brother draw and I wanted to be like him so over the years I worked and worked on my art until finally I can do what he did. Draw.

Where are you from?

I'm from Staten Island New York.

How did growing up in your neighborhood/city affect you?

Growing up in my neighborhood affected me becausse I wasn't allow to go outside unlike most kids my age. The reason for that is that it wasn't safe enough. So I had to stay inside my house drawing things to keep myself entertained.

What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?

Some things I do to advance my skills/knowledge was looking at other's art from inspiration or what's good and what needs work.

What does your current setup look like?

My current setup looks like pens markers pencils etc in a small area with a rug, tool, and table.

Who inspires you?

The person (or people) that inspired me was my brother, parents, my bestie, and other family members.

What is your goal when you create?

My goal when creating is to make my drawing as close to what I'm trying to draw, also with a feeling or meaning.

Why do you create?

I create for fun and my own entertainment. Not just so people can see.I love the fact that you’re letting me show my talent to the world.

How has choosing your creative path affected your life?

Choosing my creative path was change my life because I always watched other people draw and create and now I get to do it myself.

Did you have to overcome any obstacles along the way?

Yes, I had an obstacle along the way. I used to get anger when I tried to draw because it looked "too blocky" or "too skinny, fat". But after practice I finally realized that their is no wrong way to do art.

What is your dream as an artist and what steps are you taking to reach your dream?

My dream as artist is to one draw realistic. Some step that I can used is looking at inspiration, ideas, help, and not giving up when it goes hard.

What would you tell someone else with a dream?

I would tell someone else with a dream that if you really care about your dream, you won't put it aside. Working hard will payoff.

Tell us about your most recent release

My recent art was a logo for my father's company logo. It was a hawk holding headphones because live sound company.


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