Shana Taylor - Respect the Founder Interview

This interview was curated by Abby Lee Rose

What is the name of your business?

Soil Vibes/ Koze Vibes Plant shop Cafe

Where are you from?

Staten Island

What was your first business? How old were you?

Lemonade stand 8 years old.

When did you know working for yourself was the way to go?

I found it a bit difficult to follow a hierarchy that was benefiting from all my work but wasn't paying me for it. When it got to the point of dreading entering my office due to my physical and emotional well being i knew it was time go.

Can you talk us through your career to date and how you found your way to where you are now? 

I've always had a job since I could start work at 14 years old. I loved working and making money. What I knew I loved the most was customer service. I excelled in all my jobs/careers, but I knew I wanted more. I sat at my office desk for years, trying to come up with a plan that would fulfill me while also helping others. Years kept going by, and I just felt stuck. Then one day, I was gifted a houseplant for my new apartment. Living in the big city was scary and lonely, but I had plants to take care of. Planting helped me in my darkest hours. It became so therapeutic to me I figured if it is helping me, maybe it can help others. That's when Soil Vibes was born, right inside my cubicle. My idea was to shift the mindset of those in need, especially those suffering with mental health issues. Unbeknownst to me, I would later be diagnosed with ADHD and PMDD. I left my job of ten years to follow my dream, and I have hit plenty of roadblocks and had many failures. I'm currently operating a Café Plant Shop with my family in Staten Island.

What inspired you to start your business?

What inspired me was to find a better purpose than a regular 9-5 job that i would see an direct benefit in helping others. I wanted to bring awareness of how therapeutic planting is.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see in your market?

Biggest challenge I've seen was when big box stores started to saturate the plant market directly affecting small business. Big box stores have contracts, money, space and time to produce a plant but they don't have the warmth, knowledge and one on one detail interaction that people need to better themselves as plant parents. Another challenge is funding. Coming from where i grew up financial literacy wasn't the main objective. Obtaining funds has been very difficult.

Who was one of your biggest supporters early on?

My biggest supporter's was and will always be my parents. My parents made sure i had courage to go after my dreams. They allowed me space to be me, and taught me the value of having something of your own. To not be lead by fear, believe in myself and work hard.

What advice do you have for professionals looking to get started in your industry?

My advise would be if your looking to find a location for a a brick and mortar be realistic with who your market will be in that area. Don't bank on market targets. Get an assistant or a intern especially if you have ADHD. Don't quit!

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream?

Lock your fear away. If you're not chasing your dream you're settling for your fear.


Business Website:

Photography credit: Allison Scully-Taylor of AllyScully Photography

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