Kid Pro x Yosonova 'KIDNOVA' Interview


What inspired the title?: Combination of our names: Kid Pro + Yosonova = KIDNOVA

Where did you record this album?: This album was fully recorded(and engineered) at “22&1/2 Studios” in North Jersey by none other than OB Beatzz(@obbeatzz)

What is your favorite track? Why?: I’m sure this answer will change with time, but right now it would be “Set in Stone”. The lyrics and the delivery mixed with Yos’ Production really brought out the best in me. When you feel “in the zone” you cannot be stopped and are untouchable. This song was about having that feeling of doing something undeniable and leaving a legacy, regardless of what obstacles may come in your way.

What is your favorite line from the album?: “The crazy part about seeing you grow up, is I’m getting older too” 

That line was on “From Dad” which is a song where I’m writing letters to both of my sons and end both letters using that line. It’s always a surreal feeling watching your children grow over time, but you never bother to notice that you’re growing in front of their eyes as well.

Who helped make this album what it is? Writers, Producers, Muses, Support System, Etc: My Family
Sade - Executive Producer
OB Beatzz - Engineering 
Dusty Doodles - Artwork
Nina Nichelle - Photography/Creative Content
All the Featured artists
And some of my favorite vices :)


If you could remix any song and feature any artist, what song would it be and who would you feature on it?: Call me “Corny”, but I wouldn’t change up anything on this album. This project went through so many changes and came with so many lessons for all of us involved that made it all worthwhile. Everything that happened during the making of this was supposed to happen, and to add to it now, in my opinion, would cancel everything that the past year meant to me and the people I made this with.

What's your dream?: It’s not too complicated: Be free to create what I’d like, and travel the world to show it off so that my family and friends are well taken care of.

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream?: Keep your eyes open
Open your mind
Mind your business
Business before pleasure
Pleasure your life
Life is Good


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