Arsun F!st Interview | Respect the Artist Interview

How did you get your name? 

There are a couple layers to my name, I chose Arsun to represent my creative spark or "fire" and F!st is a metaphor for my respect for Hip-Hop culture. Also, I use an exclamation point in the spelling because, without action, words mean nothing.

How did you get into creating?

My introduction to Hip-Hop came by way of watching Krush Groove as a kid, and from there I became obsessed with all facets of the art form. I started writing rhymes, break dancing, and practicing graffiti tags. I eventually taught myself how to make beats in college. As far as my toy photography exploits, that started up about 8yrs ago as a way for me to justify still buying and collecting action figures as an adult hahaha.

How has creating changed your life?

Music and photography empowered me to share my artistic expression without fear. My confidence and self-worth are reinforced by what I create, making my life fuller in the process.

Where are you from?

I was born in the country of Panama

How did growing up in your neighborhood/city affect you?

My father joined the Navy before I was born so we traveled quite a bit during my childhood. Bouncing from Panama to South Carolina, then Virginia and Hawaii before settling in Florida. My perspective and social skills were defined by always having to adapt to new slang, cultures, and people. This gave me an eclectic worldview at an early age and set me on my current creative path.

What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?

I obtained a degree in Recording Engineering and Audio Production from The Omega School of Recording in Rockville Maryland after getting my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from South Carolina State University. Outside of that, I spent many years honing my craft by performing at local venues, and open mics, and doing small tour runs with other indie hip hop artists.

What does your current setup look like? 

Right now I am running a Cubase setup for my audio production and recording work. My Photography setup consists of my trusty Canon T6i and LG Wing smartphone to take the raw shots and I use an assortment of photo apps for image editing. (I do not use Photoshop or Adobe for my frame edits)

Who inspires you? Why do they inspire you?

It’s not really “who” but rather “what” that inspires me. I pull mostly from the love of being present in whatever moment I find myself in. Standing in that truth and accepting that I can learn something new at any time gives me a natural high that I try to capture in my music and photography.

What is your goal when you create? 

To provide an unfiltered perspective and challenge the status quo where applicable.

Why do you create?: Honestly, because I can….The idea of bringing something into the world that wasn’t here before is a high that I will forever chase. And if that creation brightens your day or gives you a new way of looking at an old problem, even better.

What's your go-to song right now and why is it important to you

 Now, this is going to sound really strange, but I do not have a go-to song at the moment. Comfortable Silence is my new rhythm.

What is your dream as an artist and what steps are you taking to reach your dream?

At first, my dream was to be signed by a record label and eventually go on world tours but after years of dealing with the highs and lows of the industry, just being able to create music and art that represents who I am becoming my focal point. I would still love to travel abroad and perform in different countries, but at this point, I am ok with the fact that what I create still resonates with people.

What is the best advice you would give someone with a dream?

Never be afraid to invest and bet on yourself. The work has to be done on a personal level. Always stand in your truth.

Tell us about your most recent release

Trinary Fresh is the name of a 3 song mini EP that consists of production from Verse Osmo and Beatkowoski. Three verses over three beats. Short and simple.

Check it out here




Photography credit: All photos shot and edited by Arsun F!st

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