DJ Claudia Tejeda Interview | Respect the DJ Interview


How did you get into DJing?

I was interested in music since I was very young, always been very much interested in generic Latin artists, but it was not until my teen years that I began to listen and enjoy a new generic type of music new to Andalucía: the Break Beat. I started joining in their events and watch for those DJs who I was fond of joined by that music and grooving together with sounds and lyrics that made parties a great event. From there on I decided I was going to be mixing and my mind was set on becoming a DJ.
Then I remember once looking into a local city newspaper on an opening of a DJ studio in Malaga. It was like a signal to me! I thought about it and went in for information. I signed in for a DJ initiation course. There I learned basic mixed concepts on turnables and equalization and possibilities! From there on I started practicing for hours until I finally reached a way to set up my firsts tracks and create my first DJ sessions.

What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?

Definitely my hard work! My constant and never ending passion for music. My desire to become a TOP DJ. My interest in learning from top DJ stars! My interest in interviews, articules and knowledge ok DJ world. My daily working efforts. The achievement of broadening my set up and above all , my desire to become better. To improve. All this has helped me in obtaining the knowledge and the technic that I ca show and perform today.

What did your first setup look like?

I will always remember my first set up composed and arranged on two turnables ‘Akiyama Acura’ on direct track and a mixer ‘Akiyama MC4’

What does your current setup look like?

My current set up is MacBookPro + 2 Traktor Kontrol MKII + RMX1000. Now i´m going to get the new one controller Allen & Heath Xone K2.


How did you get your DJ/Artist name?

First name was out of a nickname my Sister used to call me: ‘KLA’ . But then I realized I needed a stronger powerful name so I decided for Claudia’ my first name plus my mother’s last name Tejeda’.

If you could DJ at any 3 events/festivals what would they be?
ElRow, ULTRA, and Tomorrowland.

If you could DJ in any 3 cities what would they be?

New York City , Las Vegas, and Tokyo

If you could be a tour DJ for any artist (dead or alive), who would it be?
Paco Osuna, because his setup, experience, philosophy, music selection and technic are awesome.

What is your goal when you play live?

The most important is to people who attend my shows to enjoy the fullest and enjoy each track I play. I believe that satisfaction and appreciation from the public that is there for you is the greatest accomplishment for any artist and performer.

What's your go to song right now?

Definitely chose AGUARDIENTE; my new original edit on chilean label NoPreset Records. It´s works very hard on the dance floor.

What is your dream as a DJ?

There have been and still are so many dreams and desires! But I really wish I could be recognized internationally and to have promoters and DJs interested in my music and my work.

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream to become a DJ?

Sincerely my best advice is to work hard, be strong and be serious about this work. Be constant and above all be creative and always have something to offer above the rest.Have and maintain connection with the public! Excellent companionship and teams work, all along your career.