Tips for New Parents: Advice for a Successful Segue Back to Work
Image courtesy of Pixabay
Written by Eva Benoit
Facing the return to work after having a baby can be a physical and emotional challenge.
Thankfully, new parents have lots of great options. Here is important information on making the
transition back into the workforce a successful one.
Employed by someone else
Back to the grind
Transitioning back into a traditional career role after maternity or paternity leave can be
challenging in many respects. In addition to missing your little one, getting back into the groove
of working outside the home can sometimes be awkward at best. As The Guardian points out,
after taking time off, parents can feel like they aren’t quite up to snuff. After weeks away, you
might be afraid your hard-earned skills and knowledge will be rusty. However, you now have
fresh experiences and perspectives to share with others, and your insights into interacting with
people is enriched.
Whether you’re returning to an existing position or planning to make a career move, revisiting
your resume can bolster your confidence and help you articulate all you gained from your time
away. Plan to examine an online, proven resume template to walk you through the process.
Working from home
If you’re ready to trade working outside the home for working remotely, one great way to test the
waters of self-employment is through ecommerce. The key to establishing a successful
ecommerce business of your own is to grow an active customer base, so you need to focus on
a number of building blocks with that in mind. To stand out from the crowd, create a great
website with an attractive, user-friendly design, and be sure the images are high-quality. Think
of a particularly novel presentation and sales perspective, and offer outstanding customer
support. You’ll also want to harness the power of social media like Instagram and Facebook to
boost a following.
Depending on your background, there are several other ideas out there for becoming a work-at-
home parent, such as turning a hobby into a business. Maybe you love crafting or landscaping,
or you are handy with home repairs. Some other ideas are dog walking, babysitting, or, if you’re
good with numbers, you could do some bookkeeping. Consider your strengths and
experiences, and how they could contribute in framing your work.
Pros and cons
Same workplace, new you
There are many benefits of returning to your workplace, such as the break from parenting and
spending time with other adults, but you might want to restrict some of the burden you managed
before. For instance, if you were the go-to for overtime, your priorities have likely changed. It
helps to discuss your transition with your supervisor, ideally face-to-face, but outside your work
environment. Some employers might allow you to work from home at times, or as Working
Mother suggests, you might be able to ease back into the routine with a part-time schedule.
Discuss your priorities and explore what options could help you manage the transition well.
When you do resume your role, strategize to your advantage. Plan to delegate as much as possible, and embrace a healthy balance between your workplace and parenthood.
Your work, your way
Self-employment is a great option for new parents, offering you independence and the
opportunity to still focus on your little one. You can also flex your hours according to other
obligations, but if you haven’t made the journey of self-employment before, it can be a daunting
thought. This is especially true if you’re used to the security of benefits through your employer,
need to rely on human resources to withhold taxes, or if you tend to get stressed out with family
distractions. On the upside, you can save on childcare and the cost of commuting. Depending
on your former role, you might also save on your wardrobe. Bear in mind as Verywell Family
points out that if you are in the midst of climbing a corporate ladder, it can mean a bump in your
career, so it’s crucial to weigh pros and cons carefully.
After having a baby, going back to work can be challenging. Think through how you want your
lifestyle to look and what will facilitate your situation. With some thoughtful strategies you can
segue back to work successfully.