SickInTheHead 'Smokin Boots' Interview

SickinTheHead sat down with Stereotype to talk about his brand new project 'Smokin Boots'.

What inspired the title?

The concept of "smoking" a rapper out of their boots, or destroying a beat. We took that concept and built upon it.

Where did you record this album?

GreenStudioNYC, Ridgewood, NY.

What is your favorite track? Why?

Probably 'Resonate', because it gave me an opportunity to show my fans my ability to slow down my rapping speed that they'd normally expect from me, and me rapping in my normal speaking voice.

What is your favorite line from the album?

 "Looking at everyone funny, puff & passing the laughing gasses, nightmares of a backstabbing with splashing gashes/When you spazzing, breaking atoms, crashing galactic masses, evil people wanna see you whacked and collapse to ashes".

Who helped make this album what it is? 

I wrote and performed all of my parts, but Wavy Bagels was the majority producer and the sole engineer of the project. Jamil Honesty, Lungs & iNTeLL for blessing the feature slots. Ant McQueen & Al Wonder for also providing additional production for the album '10 Below' & 'Resonate'. Finally, I have to thank Alex Antigua of FilmsForGrim (my video director) and Amalia Nunez of Malnun Media. They were crucial in helping me develop the cover and the social media promotion & marketing for the album.

If you could remix any song and feature any artist, what song would it be and who would you feature on it?

I would remix Gerald's Flattop and feature Elzhi on it. Elzhi is one of my earliest influences as an emcee.

What's your dream?

To use music as a stepping stone to visit the rest of the world. Also to enter into new business ventures to support myself and my family.

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream?

The cliche advice is sometimes the best ones. Stick to your dream and don't quit, no one has your eyes or brain, so no one can see your vision like you can.





Photography credit: (Artwork: @Nodowdy_abouty)
Alex Antigua: @antigua_Photography

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