Sean Alexander Interview | Respect The Artist

This interview was brought to you in partnership with START Shows.

How did you get your name? 

I actually used my real first and middle name, just dropped the last name.

How did you get into creating?

I’ve been creating since I was a little kid. I have paintings and sketches saved from when I was around 2-3 years old. It was always something I did for fun and never took seriously in the sense of worrying about my style or technique - it’s just about having fun and enjoying the process for me.

Where are you from? 

I’m from the Boston area, about 25 minutes north of the city.

How did growing up in your neighborhood/city affect you?

I love Boston. The city, and everything about it, is in my blood and always will be. I got into trouble quite a bit growing up and saw my share of violence, crime, drugs, and alcohol at a pretty young age - but that shaped me into who I am today.

What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?

I’ve always had a nontraditional approach to learning. I got kicked out of art class in high school because I wasn’t a fan of being told what to do or how to do it. I try to expose myself to as much variety and diversity as possible and soak it all up like a sponge along the way. I think it’s important to have a well-rounded point of view.

What does your current setup look like?

I’m currently painting at home in my living room. For me it’s nice to be home, I’m in my comfort zone and can really focus uninterrupted on what I’m doing. I can have dozens of projects laying around and chip away at them slowly, or stay up all night finishing a painting. I mostly use acrylic, but I do enjoy throwing in some watercolor pens and oil to mix things up!

Who inspires you? 

My mom. She just passed away unexpectedly about two weeks ago, but she always has - and always will - inspired everything I do. She had an unbelievably tough life but managed to maintain such a good attitude throughout it all, and she was constantly pushing me to take painting seriously. I’ll never forget how proud she was when she found out I was having my first art show in NYC, and that memory will continue to push me to do better every day.

What is your goal when you create?

I don’t set out with any goal other than just doing the absolute best I can. Whether it’s an abstract inspired by my mood or a commissioned painting of a movie character, I put 100% of myself into each piece.

Why do you create?

It’s my escape honestly. It’s therapy. When I’m painting, or creating in general, it’s just about the only time I can shut my mind off. All the racing thoughts stop and I’m just there in the moment.

How has choosing your creative path affected your life?

I’m really just in the beginning stages of this journey with my first show being two months ago, but I will say it’s changed my life for the better!

Did you have to overcome any obstacles along the way? 

I think we all have obstacles that we need to overcome in some way shape or form. The chaotic events of my teenage years really dragged me away from creating for quite some time. It’s hard to get inspired when you’re surrounded by so much darkness all the time. I joined the military right out of high school to get away from all the bad influences and negativity. It was something I definitely needed to do to change my life, but it brought on a whole new set of issues. A therapist at the VA was actually the one who suggested I start to draw and paint again as a form of therapy - that coupled with the positive encouragement from my mom to chase my dreams got me to where I am today! Everything in life happens for a reason, even the bad stuff, sometimes you just can’t see it until you’re at the finish line and look back.

What's your go-to song right now and why is it important to you? 

I’ve been listening to a lot of Tupac lately, but “Changes” has been at the top of the list. It’s a breath of fresh air when you compare it to the top trending stuff on the radio, and the actual message of the song has just as much meaning today as ever.

What is your dream as an artist and what steps are you taking to reach your dream?

I want to share my art with the world, it’s as simple as that. I want to share it with as many people from as many places as possible and hopefully have a positive impact along the way. I’m always looking for shows to participate in and networking with as many artists and other professionals as possible.

What would you tell someone else with a dream? 

Just go for it! Believe in yourself. Life is too short. It sounds cliche - but anything is possible, and the only thing holding us back is ourselves.

Tell us about your most recent release

I just finished a commission piece for someone in Virginia who found me through Instagram! It’s a 30”x40” canvas painting of Tony Soprano and his wife Carmela with a 1980’s movie poster vibe to it.




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