R.Sen Interview | Respect the Artist

How did you get your Artist name?: 

Not super creative honestly lol, just my government shortened.

How did you get into creating?: 

I started writing as an outlet for teenage angst. It soon became an outlet for all stress and my go to way to keep sane. I didn't realize I was writing poetry at all! Then, I decided to share a piece about a year ago and it has been exhilarating ever since!

How has creating changed your life?: 

It's given me a sense of purpose and healing that nothing I could buy can give me. It re-energized me and took me out of the 9-6 run.
I'm a published author after my first employer told me I can't write!
It's given me confidence. Something I've lacked in the past.
It's given me inspiration again.

Where are you from?: 

East Brunswick, NJ

How did growing up in your neighborhood/city affect you?: 

Not really much, aside from my teacher in 8th grade who encouraged me to write more.

What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?:

 I write something everyday, and I also read tons of poetry books and take sticky notes to the poems in them that inspire me and write down micropoems and ideas I can look back at when I'm looking for some inspiration.

What does your current setup look like?: 

I'm old school - I usually light a candle, throw on some jazz, and then pick up a notebook and pen and just write.

Who inspires you? Why do they inspire you?: 

I'm really inspired by my fellow artists and their hustle and also my genuine supporters. They belive in me and I owe it to them to keep elevating.

What is your goal when you create? :

 Release with a relatable message.

Why do you create?: 

To stay sane!

What's your go-to song right now and why is it important to you?: 

I have tons on repeat! I listen to pretty much everything Drake and a lot of local NJ artists. I'm a huge believer in energy exchange, and I tend to lean towards motivating and positive songs.

What is your dream as an artist and what steps are you taking to reach your dream?:

 I just really want to outreach and connect to as many people as I can. I want my work to help people find their voice and embolden them to take actions to make positive changes to the world around them. Im an Activist first always.

What is the best advice you would give someone? : 

It's never too late to do something you have always wanted to do! I'm 35. At 30, I went skydiving because I've always wanted to do it, and at 34 I decided to go public with my poetry and shared a few pieces. I encourage you to lift your reservations and go forward with what you've always wanted to do. Life is too short and too filled with surprises to not indulge in the moments of the present!

Tell us about your most recent release: 

Yes, my poetry book, Introspectrum has been published!

A link to your most recent release: https://www.toniiinc.com/product-page/introspectrum-by-r-sen

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/r.sen_thepoet

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