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Justine Sierra Interview | Respect the Founder

This interview was curated by Abby Lee Rose

Justine Sierra sat down with us to discuss her entrepreneurship journey. 

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What is the name of your business?

Metta Cabinet

Where are you from?

Born & Raised in Brooklyn Grew up in Staten Island as a teenager.

What was your first business? How old were you?

Culture Concierge was my first unofficial business I was 27.

When did you know working for yourself was the way to go?

I knew working for myself was the way to go when I realized how fulfilling it was to see how my offerings help and inspire others. Nothing feels better than watching a thought in your mind turn into an actual product, a business, a contract, or even simply a mile on someone else's face.

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Can you talk us through your career to date and how you found your way to where you are now?

In 2019 I got hurt at work. I was working in the hotel union as a guest experience coordinator and I threw my back out. Two bulging discs going in opposite directions. There were days I couldn't walk it was traumatizing but then The pandemic hit and I traveled out of NYC for the longest time I've ever been away from the city and embarked on a self discovery journey that brought me to my wellness business The Metta Cabinet. When I came home I started a wellness collective with a few of my friends that also had businesses based in wellness we rented Be Yoga Every other week and started throwing pop up shops. We were still living in COVID world so everyone was excited to come out to be around people but also invest in holistic products that made them feel safer. That's when Hala from Badass Bootcamp told me she had an opportunity to rent a kiosk at the Empire Outlets and I joined my collective with her and we started the badass Bootcamp wellness market. There were many lessons learned when joining together with a person that had her own agenda. So throughout that experience I started to understand the importance of standing as an individual even in a collective. It pushed me to turn my Kids Club called Connect & Create into a STEAM Curriculum and subcontract on after school programs. In 3 years I was able to make enough of an impression that I was offered to apply as an assistant director for one of the sites I worked for and now I am here. Doing it all simultaneously.

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What inspired you to start your business?

I was inspired to start my business at a time where the world had turned its back on so many people that were doing it the "right way". It showed me that at any point anything can be taken away so why not bet it all on me.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see in your market?

The biggest challenges I see on my market is being able to keep up with production of my products while I am consumed with the demands of my other roles. The wellness industry is full of people selling dreams and it can all seem like a lot for consumers to trust and process. Staying consistent, authentic and informed is my only concern.

Who was one of your biggest supporters early on?

Early on my biggest supporter was my friend Jordan he pretty much pushed me passed all my fears and self doubts and showed me the worth in believing in myself.

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What advice do you have for professionals looking to get started in your industry?

I would advise all professionals to follow their hearts. Don't follow what you see is bringing other people success. If you're operations in authenticity you can't lose.

Can you recommend one good business book, business podcast/radio show?

Untethered Soul is a book that changed my life I wouldn't consider it a business book it is a self help book that transformed how and what I think about my thoughts. (If that makes sense)

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream?

I would advise anyone with a dream to chase it. Don't let others thoughts or even your own self sabotage place limits on what you can do. & invest time and money in knowing what it is you want to do inside and out.


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