Janecatillustration Interview | Respect the Artist


How did you get your Artist name?: My middle name is Jane, I have a cat and I am adore the illustration style. I also go by Jane Cat.

How did you get into creating?: Around the age of 6 is when my creative flame sparked. I was never the best with expressing myself with words so I tried to see what other ways and methods I could use to do so. I started with music ( piano, clarinet and currently the guitar) but in the end it was through creating with Art I found my voice.

How has creating changed your life?: Learning to create has allowed me to realize that there is art in just about everything. There is art with taking the time to watch the sky, in taking naps, in eating your favorite meal. So really, creating has changed my life in how I have come to appreciate things.

Where are you from?: I was born in Georgia but came to Syracuse when I was about 6. It’s a place I have learned to call it home. Living in Syracuse you‘ll get to see the seasons change and of course, there is the snow. Ha

How did growing up in your neighborhood/city affect you?: As a kid, I wasn’t really exposed to black art. I hardly ever saw characters that offen looked like me. From that age I knew that that was something I wanted to change that.

What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?: I learned to take a step back and allowed myself to make mistakes. I have a perfectionist approach when it comes to working. While others might find this a good thing, it was causing me to fail in being creative. there have been countless projects I’ve started and just had to stop because “it wasn’t good enough”. Just being too hard on myself overall! I had to have a heart to heart with myself and say” it’s okay, you’re only human and it’s alright to make mistakes.” I’m still working on it but I have learned that actually messing up is the only way you’re (myself) going to truly get better with what you’re doing. Also, studying references.


What does your current setup look like?: I’m actually in the process of opening my shop! I’m working on getting prints, stickers and everything I’ll need to make that happen!

Who inspires you? Why do they inspire you?: The 6 year old me is what inspires me to create. I like to imagine if I could meet myself at that age if they would be proud of the path I’ve followed. I want to make sure I’m always doing right for past her and future me. 
Another thing is Nature. Being outside and also taking walks is also a huge inspiration. Just being out in the elements gets me in a creative mood. I love watching the leaves and critters or just people going on about their day. I get so many ideas of things I want to recreate.

What is your goal when you create? : My main goal is to make sure that I’m drawing something I’ll be proud of. Even if it’s just a sketch I want to make sure that I’m applying myself while also not being too critical.

Why do you create?: I create because if I don’t it will literally make me sad. I’m like a plant and water is the creativity. If I do not get(produce) I feel like a piece of me is dying! I don’t like that feeling, so it’s best if I just keep on creating until I can’t.

What's your go-to song right now and why is it important to you?: “What’s it all for” by Yellow Card. This song is just so groovy. The vibes make me think of cool breeze in summer, the sun is still up but it’s late in the day and you just got into a mini fight with your friend/ s.o. Then you just like to drive around until you get your head straight. It really gets the creative juice flowing and makes me want to draw.

What is your dream as an artist and what steps are you taking to reach your dream?: My dream is to be a successful Freelance artist! I’m actually in the process on setting up my shop. I’ll finally be able to sell prints and also making a comic which I would love to be animated. 
What I’m doing to reach that dream, I’m making sure I do a lot of research on how to make this happen. Another thing is to truly work on my time management skills/schedule. I want to make sure that I take this very seriously.


What is the best advice you would give someone? : 1.ITS OKAY TO USE REFERENCES. For the longest time I tried to just imagine what something looked like (articals of clothing, Anatomy, flowers, etc.) it’s okay to look so look it up if you don’t know how to draw something. Do a few sketches and then do more sketches.

2 Draw what makes you uncomfortable because that’s how you’ll build up your skill.

3. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Learn when to take a break. If you’re mentally drained you can’t expect to create! Do something that will help with replenishing your creative juices first, low yourself time to absorb, then pick up where you left off. 

4. Get some sleep. :)

Tell us about your most recent release: My most recent piece at the moment on Instagram is of a Pink Elephnat holding a stick. I call it the worry stick. the elephant symbolizes all of the negative you’re focusing on. For me, o was focusing on all of the negatives without giving the positives a chance. Sometimes it can be really hard to see the good when you have ( a big pink elephant) blocking your path!

Share a link to your most recent release: https://janecatillustration.bigcartel.com/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/janecatillustration

Facebook.com: http://Www.facebook.com/janecatillustration

Website: https://janecatillustration.bigcartel.com/

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