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Jamal Momon 'The Path to Success for Urban Entrepreneurs' Interview | Respect The Author

We sat down with Jamal Momon to talk about his new book ‘The Path to Success for Urban Entreprenuers’

Where are you from? Englewood, NJ

Tell us the story of how you got into writing

 Honestly, I don’t consider myself a writer. More of an entrepreneur that saw an opportunity to give back.

What was your favorite book growing up?

As a kid I loved the Goosebump series by R.L. Stine. Loved how suspenseful and strange they were.

What is your favorite book as an adult? The Bible. Endless gems. The ultimate path to success.

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What is the name of your new book? 

The Path to Success - For Urban Entrepreneurs

What inspired you to write the book?

My son Max actually had to do a book report on a writing challenge called NanoWriMo, which is a challenge to write a 50k word novel all in the month of November. I definitely didn’t do that, but I was inspired by the concept and used that to write my book.

Tell us more about your new book

The Path to Success for Urban Entrepreneurs is about understanding what life has handed those raised in urban communities and learning the best ways to overcome the struggle in order to achieve entrepreneurial success. With a solid plan and sheer determination, we can pull ourselves out of the quicksand, destroy the stigma, and achieve our goals!

In the book I touch on subjects like college (or not), how to tell if your business idea is the right one, and the effect being raised in an urban environment can have on someone and how it differs from more affluent environments, amongst other things.

I also talk through a few of my own failures and successes in order to help others learn from my mistakes. Above all, the most important thing I talk about is how important your finances are, and how to get that right before starting your business.

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Where do you go to get into writing mode?

I have a wife and 3 kids so I never find myself in one place where I can just sit down for hours and write. I’m usually in my bed at night jotting things down that popped up in my head throughout the day. I created a long list of potential topics in the notes doc on my phone over the course of a couple weeks. Once I felt I was done, I slimmed the list down, created chapters and started writing.

Who needs to read this book?

Every entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur that was raised in an urban environment. It honestly can be beneficial for entrepreneurs in general, but it will truly be most beneficial to those that had an urban upbringing. And that doesn’t just mean black people. That applies to anyone, any race. It’s all about where and how you were raised, and the effect that can have on someone, especially when trying to start your own thing.

Who inspires you?

A lot of people. My wife, Mom, friends, my kids, strangers. Really depends on the context, but I’m constantly pulling inspiration from others. The digital world is perfectly set up for it with all the different social media and content creation sites. One second I might be on Pinterest, and the next I’m soaking up wisdom from my Grandfather.

How important is reading and literacy for youth in this world?

 So important it’s not even funny. And it’s sad, because the more advanced these phones get, the less reading happens. As parents, we really have to stay on top of our kids, especially because they’re such sponges when they’re young. They learn new things so easily, so that’s honestly the best time to make sure they’re expanding those little minds which will one day be much more powerful than our own.

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What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream to create something they dream of?: Set your overall goal, then create a solid plan that will allow you to achieve it. Lay the foundation first, that way your creation will be more solid and tested when it’s time to put it out there.

Make sure to pick up Jamal Momon’ new book ‘The Path to Success for Urban Entrepreneurs’  on Amazon

The Path to Success for Urban Entrepreneurs



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