Imelda Gabs Interview | Respect the Producer

How did you get your name?

When the time came where I had to pick an artist name, I first started thinking about a lot of complicated options, with a strong concept, an artistic identity, and so on. But as I kept looking, I realised that I didn't have to look so far. I was already performing at the time and people started naturally calling me Imelda Gabs: "Imelda" because it is my first name, "Gabs" because it was part of my fathers artist name "Doctor Gabs". He passed away shortly before I started my own career, so it seemed natural to keep "Imelda Gabs" as my final choice.

Where are you from?

I was born in Leuven, Belgium, currently based between Switzerland and the UK.

How did you get into Producing?

Before becoming a producer, I started off as a pianist and singer. Composition has always been a real passion for me, for as long as I can remember. When I got old enough to use the family's computer, I discovered "Garageband" : a real eye-opener for my not even 10yo self ! I even remember "producing" my first album that same year, as a Christmas gift for my parents. Time went by and as I was studying music and discovering all its different aspects, I started getting more and more curious about the entire production process, DAWs, and as soon as I got my first laptop, I started taking it more seriously. I learned how to use Pro Tools, Finale, and finally Logic Pro X, and it all took a totally different turn from there. I bought some extra gear like a few different keyboards, monitors, a professional home studio desk, started producing... and here I am!

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What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?

I think it is important in any situation to take advantage of any moment where you could learn something. For example, when I'm at the studio working with sound engineers or other producers, I'm always attentive to what they do, why, and how. This is definitely how I learned the most: by looking at more experienced people, take their advice, and find out time after time what production techniques and gear suit my work the best. I think that's also what's so great about producing, it's always developing itself, so there's always something more you can learn!

What did your first set up look like?

A keyboard (Kawai MP11) and a laptop (MacBook Pro)

What does your current setup look like?

The base is still the same, the keyboard and the laptop, but there's definitely an upgrade concerning the gear and workspace :

- Zaor Miza 88 Studio Desk
- Yamaha HS7 monitors
- Presonus Audiobox USB 96
- AKAI Professional MPK mini
- M-Audio Keystation 88 MK2
- Rode NT1
- Novation Launchpad

... and a few other things !

If you could produce for any artist (dead or alive), who would it be?

I would actually love to work with London Grammar, because I really like their sound and the way they bring their music together in a really cool yet simple way. The singer Niia is also one of my current favourites, would be a pleasure to work with her as well.

What is your goal when you create?

Most of the time, I don't really know where I am going with a song at the very beginning. I let it come to me in a way. But I think that my ultimate goal is to instigate an emotion to the listener. If you've felt something while listening to my music, would it be sadness or happiness, then I would say that I've reached my goal.

What's your go-to song right now?

Right now I really enjoy listening to Cherry by the band Jungle, simple but irresistibly groovy at the same time.

What is your dream as a Producer?

My dream is that I'll be able to both produce songs for me but also for other artists and share my love and passion for music with others!

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream to become a Producer?

Don't be afraid to go out there and get your music heard. It is always hard to make the first big jump, but once you've started, you'll never want to go back! Don't be afraid to be different, to try something new. You don't need much to start: a small keyboard, a laptop, and you're good to go!


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