Christopher Orangeo Interview | Respect The Artist

Hello! I'm Christopher Orangeo. Writer, Actor, and Producer based out of New Jersey. I've been in the film industry since 2014 after graduating from The Art Institute of Jacksonville in 2012. At the Art Institute, I honed my craft with the guidance of my professors and peers. I've won multiple awards from different Film Festivals since 2016, with the latest award coming from Wavestock Art Festival for "Best Picture" for my short dramatic film titled "Without", in which I wrote, produced and acted in.

How did you get into creating?

Ever since I was a kid I enjoyed watching and imitating the likes of Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Matthew Perry, Chris Farley, and more! Although I took acting classes and courses as a kid, I never took the plunge to dive into the world of Art until I turned 21. With the support of my parents, I went to film school and never looked back as a creative. Since then, I've made a dozen short films, acted in a dozen more, and attended film festivals and arts markets whenever I had the chance.

Where are you from?

New Jersey. I've lived in towns such as Lake Hopatcong, Maplewood, and now Woodbridge.

How did growing up in your neighborhood/city affect you?

The majority of my childhood I grew up on a dead end. I think growing up on a road that isn't always lively and busy forced my sister, my friends and I to be more creative in the games we played after school, on the weekends and during the summer.

What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?

As far as advancing my acting skills, I took a handful of acting classes from 2019-2022. I also believe acting on set is the best acting class for you as well. So I tried my hardest to act in people's projects, no matter the size of the role. When it comes to Video Editing, Writing, Producing, or Directing, my day job in which I'm a Video Production Manager at MC Management Inc. helps me hone my skills on a day-to-day basis.

Who inspires you?

My inspiration comes from so many people in my life. Some days it can be my wife who believes in me more than I believe in myself most of the time. Other days it can be my family and friends who come to Film Festivals to support or share my work online or with their friends. Their belief in me keeps that fire under me to keep going until I achieve what I want.

What is your goal when you create?

When creating my art, my goal is to make the viewer feel something. We live in a world where people think it's cool to not "feel anything". So whether my films make you laugh or cry, I'll be happy knowing the work I created made someone feel something they aren't used to feeling.

Why do you create?

I create films to feel good about my place in the world. I always lacked confidence or feeling like I belonged in a certain circle or place in life. Creating characters and a world with pen to paper makes me feel good. I think I create art to make the world I want to make, whether its a messed up one or not!

How has choosing your creative path affected your life?

I'd be lying if I told you it didn't affect my life at all. When going into the world of art, whether it's film, music, theater, etc., millions of people are trying to do the same. So you have to stand out above the rest and not quitting is half the battle. So, although I've had my fair share of times I wanted to quit and not do this anymore, I think the support of my family, and friends, and the voice in my head that won't let me quit has made a strong person to keep fighting for what I love to do.

Did you have to overcome any obstacles along the way?

I wouldn't say I had or currently have any obstacles in my way. I try to use any road bumps life gives me as inspiration. People can sit here and complain they aren't a "nepo baby" and they don't have an easy in to the industry, but I think working hard for what you have makes all your success 100% worth it.

What's your go-to song right now and why is it important to you?

I'm a massive pop-punk music nerd so that type of music is ALWAYS on. But right now (I'll probably get some disapproving headshakes for this one) I'd have to go with "Baby" by Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris. My 1-and-a-half-year-old daughter absolutely loves it when we play it. Seeing her smile and dance to it makes me know life isn't so bad. So that's my family's go-to song at the moment. This answer will change if you ever see me in person and ask. The love of music runs deep in my household!

What is your dream as an artist and what steps are you taking to reach your dream?

My dream as an artist is to see myself and my peers work on movies as our full-time jobs, preferably together as one big film family. I have a solid group of filmmakers I collaborate with and I think every project we work on together is one step closer to making that dream a reality.

What would you tell someone else with a dream?

I'd tell them to follow something that you love. We need more people doing things that make them feel alive. But know that following your dreams may have your emotions go wild like a roller coaster, but at the end of it all, the roller coaster always levels out and don't let anyone talk YOU out of what YOU want to do.

Tell us about your most recent release

The latest film of mine that has just ended its film festival run is a short dramatic film titled "Without". I wrote it to cope and deal with a tragic situation my family and I dealt with in 2021. So the film follows Nathan who struggles with his place in life after experiencing a tragic loss. It's 7 minutes long and can be found in the link below!

Share a link to your most recent release:


Photography credit: First Photo & Second Photo: @subnative on IG
Third Photo: Mark O'Brien/ Wavestock Festival

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