Charity Harris 'Just Because...A Story Book About Self-Acceptance'

Where are you from?

Orange County, CA

Tell us the story of how you got into writing

I was a child who grew up feeling that I wasn’t good enough or deserved to have dreams of my own because of feeling marginalized by peers and adults around me. I started writing to prove to myself that i can achieve anything and decided to self-publish so I can write stories that make a difference.

What was your favorite book growing up?

The School Story by Andrew Clements


What is the name of your new book?

Just Because...A Story Book About Self-Acceptance

What inspired you to write the book?

The children I work with, I wanted to write a happy story that reflected accepting ourselves for who we are despite how others think.

Tell us more about your new book

Just Because… is a children’s story book that embraces and teaches self-acceptance and looking past our circumstances.

Ms. Freckle is one of the kindest teachers you could ever wish for but she has a secret, one she’s worried her students will laugh at.

Just Because… embraces the acceptance of ourselves and others while identifying that our circumstances do not define us. Just Because you wear glasses does not mean you’re a nerd and Just Because you may be short does not mean you can’t play sports. We can do anything!


Where do you go to get into writing mode?: At random times, I never force it When it's quiet and a great thought to add to my current work in progress comes to mind then I write.

Who needs to read this book?: A young reader who has felt like they didn't belong with a group of friends

Who inspires you?: Myself and the kids I work with. I write stories I wish I could have read as a child and focus on the current issues children today face.


How important is reading and literacy for youth in this world?

Very important

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream to create something they dream of?

Go for it! Never allow anyone to try and determine what you are capable of achieving.

Where can people find your new book?:





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