Chand Interview | Respect the Author

Where are you from?: India

Tell us the story of how you got into writing: Writing has never been a companion of mine. It found me when I needed it the most, when I wanted to forget myself in a world of my own creation and to be never found.

I started my writing journey on Wattpad though at that time I was just a reader. An author held a contest after finishing her novel and urged her readers to take part in it. Having a lack of confidence and without any prior experience, I didn't really want to participate. But upon her encouragement, I posted my first write up on that platform and got positive reviews. Later, I got inspired to write my own fiction novel and posted it on the same platform. After a few years, I found my love for poetry and started posting on ig.

What was your favorite book growing up?: I grew up reading the poems and novels of Rabindranath Tagore, Kavi Nazrul Islam, Sukanta Bhattacharya, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay and many more. I also enjoyed reading the books of Enid Blyton and Nancy Drew.

What is your favorite book as an adult?: I enjoy reading many genres of books from historical romance to fantasy, to thriller.

Where do you go to get into writing mode?: Basically for me to get into the writing mode, it doesn't actually matter whether I'm amidst nature or in my bedroom, what really matters for me is to write without any disturbance and in a quiet setting.

Who needs to read your poems?: My poems are basically reflections of my mind, heart and soul. I write mostly about the realities of life and phases we all go through, from joy to despair and despair to joy, laced with hope and warmth. I write to provide comfort to other souls and empower them. But more than that, I write to uplift myself through my own words.

Who inspires you?:I believe inspiration is everywhere and nowhere. We must have the eyes to appreciate it, a heart to feel it and a soul to capture it.

How important is reading and literacy for youth in this world?: I think it's most important because what we read and learn it's kind of shape our mind. How we think, how we feel, understanding our thoughts, putting forward our perspectives, and it helps us to form our own opinions.

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream to create something they dream of?: Don't overthink. Just do it. Because in our mind, we're never enough. And I think it's okay to feel that, it keeps our feet on the ground and opens the door to improve, to be our best.

We learn through the process. So, don't say you can't do it before you even start doing it.


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