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Boom Salvador Interview | Respect The Shooter

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Where are you from?: Toronto

How did you get into photography/videography? : Travelling and roaming the streets

What was your first camera?: Sony RX100

What camera do you currently use?: Sony A7iii as my A-Cam and Ricoh GRii/GRiii as my B-Cam everyday carry

How did you learn your craft and advance your skills? : Watching lots of tutorials and also lots of editing practice. Scouring the web for inspirations.

Do you have any nicknames? How did you get that name?: Boom is my nickname. I got it when I was born cause I was so fat I looked like I was about to explode.

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If you could take photos of any 3 people that are alive today, who would they be?: Elon Musk, Gary Oldman, Madison Steward

If you could take photos of any 3 people that are no longer living, who would they be?: anyone from the 1920s, Einstein, Salvador Dali

If you could take photos in any 3 cities what would they be?: Prague, Krakow, London

What is your goal when you capture photos of someone?: Capture as much emotions as possible. Create a moody scene while establishing some kind of anonymity of that person.

What is your dream as an artist?: Inspire other people and do big collaborations with well known artists and brands.

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What music do you listen to when you edit photos?: Ambient instrumental and sometimes listening to gear and tech reviews/tutorials.

What is your dream as a photographer?: To be published on a well known magazine. To be featured on sites and photography pages. Sell prints and have my shots be printed and displayed on billboards in big cities.

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream to be a photographer/videographer?: Do it for the love and passion of photography. Be open-minded and shoot a lot. Learn composition and shoot with a purpose. Sometimes bad weather days makes the most interesting shots because not everybody goes out and gets to experience those bad days/extreme weather conditions.

What's your favorite app on your phone?: Lightroom CC



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