Aminta Freeman 'Moodie Vibes' | Respect the Founder

Aminta Freeman sat down with Stereotype Co to share the story and inspiriation of her business 'Moodie Vibes'.

What is the name of your business?

Moodie Vibes

Where are you from?

Guatemalan Born and Brooklyn Raised

What was your first business? How old were you?

I launched Moodie Vibes October 21, 2022. I was 43 years old.

When did you know working for yourself was the way to go?

I've been a public servant for over 20 years and I am grateful for the work I do but there was always something missing. I've always loved candles and burned them frequently. In 2021, my girlfriend and I went to a candle making workshop and I absolutely fell in love with the process. I never stopped.

Can you talk us through your career to date and how you found your way to where you are now?

Currently I am both an employee and I am also the owner, founder and maker of Moodie Vibes, a candle company located in Staten Island, NY. Both require a full time commitment and therefore I must be really disciplined in how I plan my days/weeks and months. I've always been a proud candle hoarder and quickly fell in love with the candle making process after attending a workshop in 2021. I spent 10 months learning, experimenting and creating what today includes four signature scents and a variety of seasonal scents throughout the year in two sizes, glass full (9 oz) and moodie mini (5 oz). After testing various waxes and wicks, I narrowed down the ingredients to include using plant based coconut-soy way and 100% natural and unprocessed wooden wicks. Moodie Vibes candles are now sold online at and at the #BadAssBootCamp in Empire Outlets as well as throughout the City at a variety of markets.

What inspired you to start your business?

When my family dynamics changed and I became a single Mom of two young kids, I turned to candles as a means of self care. Candles helped create a space where I could replenish and fill my cup allowing me to give others from a place of love and overflow. As a maker, I hand craft in small batches using safe, clean ingredients and eco-friendly packaging. As a Mom, I hand pour each candle with the intention of creating a self care experience for all but especially for Mothers, caregivers and nurturers. The Scent of Self Care.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see in your market?

I think the greatest challenge is creating brand awareness. I've been really blessed in meeting amazing, supportive candle lovers which I call "Candle Tribe" at markets, at the #BadAssBootCamp and on social media. I do; however, think it's time to invest in paid marketing in order to expand our Candle Tribe.

Who was one of your biggest supporters early on?

One of my biggest supporters early on was my Sorority Sister, Gwen Beloti. Gwen is the owner and founder of Gwen Beloti Jewelry. Her guidance, support and her believing in me really pushed me to keep going when I was experiencing impostors syndrome. We collaborated on a limited edition together and it really propelled me to move forward with the launch in October 2022. I am forever indebted and so grateful for her.

What advice do you have for professionals looking to get started in your industry?

My advice is to do your homework. Prepare in terms of seeking guidance and resources (there are some amazing organizations that are either free or offer fellowship opportunities) that will help you develop a business plan and a sturdy foundation. Educate yourself as much as you can in your field by conducting market research. That being said, don't allow the analysis to become paralysis ...start!! No one knows it all and we are all learning to an extent we go!

Can you recommend one good business book, business podcast/radio show?

I recommend "Successful Business Plan" by Rhonda Abrams. It's a great foundation to get you started with documenting a meaningful plan!

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream?: My creative spark was dormant for many years. I let the fear of taking risk keep me in a safe 9 -5 lifestyle. I was comfortable until a fire within me was ignited and I remembered the joy in creating. I decided I deserved to bet on myself and I also wanted my children to see their Mother taking brave steps toward creating a more balanced, exciting and creative life. I stopped running from being uncomfortable and my advice would be just that. Listen to your heart and follow through on what what makes you feel alive. Feel afraid? Me too! Do it anyway!


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Photography credit: (Instagram) has taken all of our photos.

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