Alya Ladali Interview | Respect The Artist
This interview was curated by START Shows
Tell us a little bit about yourself
My name is Alya Ladali, I am an artist from New York in the field of psychedelic art and creator of a new direction of fluorescent and phosphorescent painting beyond the limits of ordinary vision.
How did you get your Artist name?
Alya is my second name, that's what my parents and friends call me, and Ladali, like many amazing things in my life, came to me from the space of dreams, in which the gates to the world of the subconscious and deeper dimensions of reality open. Waking up in your own dream and realizing that this performance is still happening behind the closed curtain of your eyelids will help you see the world from a different angle, like Zhuang Zhou and the butterfly.
How did you get into creating?
Throughout my life, I tried to plunge into the boundless ocean of various experiences, passing them through every cell of my body and transforming the received states into the realization of the next experience. Possessing a strong quality of passion, I dissolved in these processes, erasing the boundaries of the ever-flowing sands of time. I think in the manner of explaining my thoughts, you can see that literature also did not bypass me. As for my merging with the world of colors, it happened a few years ago, on one of my country trips, on which one of my best friends took paints and canvases with him, and it was there that I made my first wave of a magic wand, laying the foundation for new chapter in my life.
How has creating changed your life?
The power of creation is one of the most powerful tools given to us by life to embody our best qualities in this world. I would call it an elixir of immortality, capable of speaking through centuries and millennia with future generations, and if we shorten this period to the current life, then for me it is a guiding star illuminating the path In the abyss of other people's ideas and desires, prophesying happiness for a gold coin or the fulfillment of someone else's dreams with your hands.
Where are you from?
I was born and raised on the other half of our blue planet, where sunset comes at a time when “The Big Apple” is just dipping into the playful rays of the morning sun. This glorious place bears the name of Kazakhstan.
How did growing up in your neighborhood/city affect you?
I am a representative of that generation that grew up on the ruins of a state that crumbled into many countries, whose echoes of the past were still whispering in people's heads, but nevertheless “The Iron Curtain” had already been washed away by a stormy flow of new information, forming a different view of things. Although freedom and independence were still true only on paper, I absorbed countless experiences, tasting life and surrendering to the flow of adventure.
What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?
We live in an amazing period of human existence, with a phenomenal ability to access various information, so I am in cooperation with the world wide web, supplying me with educational materials and then already transforming this into a practice process. And of course, live communication with the masters of their craft always enriches my vessel of knowledge.
What does your current setup look like?
Drowning in an ocean of greenery (once I visited the botanical garden, having experienced the deepest experience of unity with nature and subsequently green friends harmoniously filled my home space) in the company of Ganesha and Buddha, the entire space is in orderly chaos sustain the right atmosphere for the creative process. If you turn on the ultraviolet lamp and walk around the house, you can see the lack of boundaries in the process of creation and traces of creation throughout the house
Who inspires you? Why do they inspire you?
The very process of life is my deepest inspiration, for it represents the embodiment of all events, objects, and phenomena in this manifested world. Have you ever watched your cat's tail for a long time, removing absolutely everything from view except for this writhing snake? Believe me, with the right dive, this experience will shift your assemblage point without any external stimulants. Also, nature is one of the most powerful sources of my inspiration.
What is your goal when you create?
My goal is to express my inner experience through all the tools available to me in order to allow other people to see the world through my eyes, tasting it with every cell of the body.
Why do you create?
Our life is just a fleeting spark on the common canvas of the universe and having time to share leaving behind a flame that can kindle people's hearts and give the opportunity to feel this fantastic experience hidden behind the veil of everyday existence is the most precious gift for me. Once having tasted the note of the mystery of our incomprehensible world, life will never be the same again. When the final point of this book comes is a mystery behind seven seals, but as long as the sound of life keeps going its mesmerizing melody, I will continue this dance shedding light on hidden worlds!
What's your go-to song right now and why is it important to you?
At the moment, my favorite composition is the sound of overflowing leaves of trees playing in the wind outside the window, merging with the beautiful singing of birds. Plunging into our skull with an ever-repeating film of thoughts, we often do not notice the magic that fills everything around. But once being children, we were easily able to immerse ourselves in this space and dissolve in it without a trace. Attuning with the breath of life, we are able to draw inspiration and the necessary information from the depths of our consciousness, when the words come from the very heart, without affecting the space of the mind.
What is your dream as an artist and what steps are you taking to reach your dream?
My dream as an artist is to create a unique space for internal transformation by combining various creative aspects into one integral system, where, in addition to visual images, music will also be used, making it possible to tune brain waves in the desired range. The next piece of the pie in this celebration of life will be singing. Group singing has a special effect in this, attuning people into one single organism and making it possible to experience the experience of unity. Of course, this whole thing cannot do without dancing, which is a direct manifestation of the delight of life. And for dessert, a joint meditation to comprehend other dimensions of reality. At the moment I am creating paintings for my gallery, which will be the first brick in the foundation of this dream.
What is the best advice you would give someone with a dream?
In order for this seed to germinate into a large and strong tree, yielding delicious fruits, it is necessary to take care of it with patience, love, and devotion on a daily basis, especially at the initial stage, when crazy winds of doubt, fears and opposition from the outside world, which is more profitable, will prevail, that we fulfilled someone's dream for money and were part of a well-oiled mechanism of a global system that so diligently feeds us images of who we should be, what ideals, ideologies, and principles to adhere to and why you need to follow the opinions of other people who decide your fate. During this amazing period, the foundation is being built, which in the future will give the wings of inner freedom and deep pleasure from the realization of one's dream. Another very important and key point: forget about the result and completely dissolve in the process of creation, only in this way you can truly taste this nectar of happiness.
Tell us about your most recent release
My recent release was at an amazing art show called “All Stars Show”, which took place in One Art Space gallery in Tribeca, NYC. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the organizers and sponsors of this event for their phenomenal attitude towards each artist and the highest level of the event.
Check it out here
Connect with Alya Ladali
Photography credit: Ara Kocharyan
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