AC Lightnin Interview | Respect The Dreamer

This intervew was curated by Haus of Expression

New York-based Spoken word-emcee, AC Lightnin always aims to bring his audience on a journey with his work. Born and raised in New York with a love for Hip-Hop, spoken word and Christian rap, AC incorporates his faith into topics such as love, masculinity, and other perspectives that don't get talked about. A multi-hyphenate artist who has a passion for hosting, filmmaking, music and poetry, AC has taken his craft across NYC's open mic spaces such as the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, The Rose Garden Events, Trouble Makers Art Collectives as well as other open mics on the East Coast. AC Lightnin has been featured on MNN’s The Spotlight TV show, his music has been featured on blog sites such as Solomon's Porch, Trackstarz and YouTube channels such as More Than Music.

What inspired you to pursue your dream, and how did it all begin?

My inspiration came from wanting to be creative and my struggles with ADHD and speech impediment. My journey started from writing fan fictions and short stories of my own. As I got older, I was then introduced to poetry by my mom and started writing poems in middle school for events like poem in your pocket day. Then my love for Rap and Hip-Hop and film started in my freshmen year of high school. And while pursuing a career in film I also found my love for rapping after a few failed attempts in the past. Which eventually lead me to writing my 1st song I wrote and entering my school's talent show in 10th grade which was a success in its own weird way. After my 11th grade guidance counselor encouraged me to check out Urban Word NYC and its workshops, my love for the arts increased and since then I've performed on any stage, any open mic I can go to.

Can you share a defining moment in your journey that shaped your perspective and fueled your passion?

I pride myself on being a versatile poet and rapper, whether it be the topics I talk about in my works or experimenting in new things. The one moment that I believe has shaped my perspective and fueled my passion was when I released my 2nd EP, Believe on February 4th, 2022. Believe was released prior as a mixtape in 2019 and at that time I wasn't proud of the project because I felt like it could've been better. After I released my 1st EP, Rehabilitation, from 2020 to 2021, I scrapped the whole mixtape and honed in on making this an EP I can be proud off and perform anywhere I go. I felt like I put the doubts to rest that I had as a rapper. And I gained a new wave of confidence as well as the reactions to my project.

How do you handle setbacks and keep pushing forward in the pursuit of your dreams?

Will power and putting my faith in God. There be days where I feel like I didn't perform well at an open mic or feel like I'm not gifted enough, I would just push through the voices in my head by writing. I also would think back on moments where some people have told me how much my works had touched them. And I bring whatever doubts I have in prayer to God and meditate on his word to calm the storm in my mind.

Are there specific individuals who have inspired you along the journey?

Right now, I look at guys like Lecrae and Dee-1 who are both rappers and Christians in their respective ways. They've carved a path of their own to where they didn't have to assimilate to be something that they're not. And It's a breath of fresh air to see two people who I look up to and can relate to and see that it's possible to be different and still an impact. And as well as my mom who constantly backs me up being an artist, sharing my stuff and coming to my shows.

How do you maintain a balance between pursuing your dreams and handling everyday responsibilities?:

By setting aside time to handle any responsibilities that I have on my plate and setting time aside to when and where I pursue my dreams. Whether it be writing poems/songs on the train everywhere I go or plan which open mics or shows I'm going to perform at. I also include getting rest because peace is important, and you can't be creative if you don't get any sleep.

How do you overcome self-doubt and stay confident in your abilities?

One of the ways I overcome self-doubt is by remembering all the times I've had people who came up to me and tell me how much they were inspired by a work on mine. I would also remember the conversations that I would spark from my pieces or songs I've performed at some events or open mics. So, if I'm feeling down at any time just remembering on the times my craft has inspired people and looking at videos of some of my favorite performances.

Can you share a memorable success story or achievement that resulted from your determination?:

One of my favorite achievements that was a success for me was when I performed with a live band back in April 2024 at Pianos. Prior to that, I've only performed with a live band at The Cafe Open Mic with its band and I did that about two times. So, when Underground Advocatez had me on their stage for the DazeSummit festival I thought it was a dope and unique opportunity for me. Leading up to that show, I wanted to make sure that the show went great on my end, seeing this is my first time performing a set with a live band. To be able to rock that Pianos stage so effectively and to see how my music would sound live it was a moment I can remember for a long time.

In what ways do you stay motivated during challenging times?

I stay motivated by realizing that the struggles and hardships as an artist is a part of the process. Whether it be prompting shows and I get little to no fans that come out to support me. Whether it be writer's block and trying to find the right words to put in my work. Or not getting booked by people who I would think that enjoy my work enough to have me on their platforms. It all comes with the territory.

What dream are you living right now?

The dream that I'm living right now is being at a place creatively where now I can have several options to perform almost anything in my repertoire from my poems to songs. I say this because compared to 2017-2018, I didn't have that many pieces or songs I could perform and now that I do, it's a great feeling. And I've admired the artists who were able to do that. I'm also at a place in my artistic journey where I want to throw together my own shows and hopefully have that happened before 2024 ends or in 2025. Lastly, I released a single back in April called "Emotionally Disturbed" which is available on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, YouTube, etc. The song is about my struggles with ADHD as well as speech impediment and talking about what I went through growing up dealing with those things to show people that anything is indeed possible.

What advice would you give to someone with a dream?

Some people won't understand what you're trying to build and often time they'll laugh at you or blow you off. Or look for every excuse as to why they won't support you so to that I'd say just keep going. If you're trying to be counterculture and different it's a challenge because you'll be going against what's already been established. In that you have to trust God even if you don't see all of the steps. And not everyone who gives an opinion knows what they're talking about either so take any criticism you get with a grain of salt.

Photography credit: Photo #2 was taken by Jerms (@shotsbyjerms) on Instagram, at the Poet Tree open mic in Harlem. Photos #4 and #6 were taken at Bronx Native (@thebronxnative) when Tag Up (@tagupmusic) had one of their open mics. I'm not sure who took the photo though. And photo #8 was taken by @ph.dartagnan when I was at a Voices In Power open mic.



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