Susan is Not like the other kids


Why am I not like the other kids? 

There was a moment in my life when I realized I wasn’t putting myself first.  I wasn’t doing the things I love and was putting someone else’s needs above mine. I started losing myself in what was a toxic relationship.  One in which was not healthy and draining me of who I was.  Luckily I had an awakening and decided to walk away.  It was then when my love for yoga, fitness, art and exploring helped strengthen me.  I felt free and like I was given a second chance to truly enjoy and appreciate what’s around me.  Since then I’m grateful for the simplest things and never take any moment for granted. 

I began to share my passions thru social media because I wanted others to see that there’s so much to enjoy and be thankful for in this life.  I hope thru my images and authenticity they connect with something that either makes them smile, laugh or motivate them to go out and see art or take a yoga class.  To inspire them to be their true self and do what makes them happy, and not care what everyone else may think.  To practice self-love and realize their worth.  We all have our uniqueness and it’s a beautiful thing to be able to express that and show others why you’re not like the other kids.