Paula OS Interview | Respect the Producer Interview

How did you get into Producing?

I started with a free online course, very basic, but before that I learnt piano and I already played guitar and sang.

I had many ideas circling in my mind and a good friend of mine, producer, appeared at the right time and place and started to show to me all this new dimension, where everyone can do (and be) whatever they want through music. He convinced me to start a course in a school, I did it for two months and then I continued studying by myself.

What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?

Well, the first times with colleagues and friends with whom I collaborated as a singer. But then I began teaching producing to a few students, so I needed to be two steps forward, I read a lot about content I thought I was weak (Mixdown and Mastering) and the rest was to try and fail, until I got to a safe place where I can choose the tools and techniques to settle what I have in my mind.

What did your first set up look like?

Similar to what I use now. Miniblock by Yaeltex, a Midi controller: 8 channels, 4 knobs each channel and 4 banks, free to map, a Launchpad mini, to shoot clips, and a microphone. Oh, and Ableton.

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What does your current setup look like?

It's exactly the same, but I have a very little controller (ICON) with just 8 faders, 8 knobs, and 16 pads, that I use to control and loop my voice live.

How did you get your Producer/Artist name?

That was my best friend. We had a duo (Dj set and live vocals) for about three years, and when I started to work by myself he came out with "hey, why don´t you just call yourself like with your real name?", I listened to him and it worked. "OS" is an abbreviation of my last names, and yes, it sound like Operative System.

If you could produce for any artist (dead or alive), who would it be?

Very hard one, but I think, at the end, all this is your fault Thom Yorke. So yes, Thom.

What is your goal when you create?

Well, first of all I always make music thinking about all things I never said. So for me, make music and play it, is share with  you a secret, and through it, touch some emotion where you can feel identified, and maybe not so alone.

What's your go-to song right now?

You and I (Yokoo),

What is your dream as a Producer?

Travel playing Live. I want to, some day, play in Berlin, I'm very curious about what's happening there. 


What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream to become a Producer? 

A very simple question: If not now, when?, and when you cheer up, make mistakes, all you can, learn from them.

Where can people find you? (social media, website, etc)


