Uni-G is Not like the Other Kids


I guess what makes me unique is that no matter how hard it gets, I don't conform to today's sound or look. I fall in the category of the Kendrick's and Cole's, and today's trend are face tats, glorifying death and being an addict. I'm at a huge disadvantage because the majority of what I rap about is the complete opposite of what is popularized. Due to me staying true to myself, it makes it harder to become the next sensation. I'd prefer a strong foundation but it can become tiresome at times, I guess what keeps me going is knowing that I've stopped so many people from committing suicide, I've sent many to rehab all because of my words and that's more meaningful then rapping about today's trends. Plus, Why be like the other kids when the other kids don't even know who they are... I'm proud of who I am...