5 Pop Up Shop Tips from Stereotype Co

1. Give People a Photo Opportunity 

It may not be your style to take photos with people like this guy but wouldn't it be nice if the people who shopped at your place became promoters of your shop as well? If the photo is worth talking about; people will share it with their friends and your ideas spread. Give people a reason to talk about you.


2. Give Away Stuff


You may think "Why should I just give free stuff away?" Look at Oprah. Wouldn't it be nice to give someone something that helps them remember you? We can't tell you what to give away because we all do different things but definitely give stuff away for free. Consider it your marketing/advertising. Advertising your business isn't a price it's an investment. It's the thought that counts; not price when it comes to giveaways. Make sure it's memorable. No one wants wack giveaways. Oh yeah and everyone has a business card, step out the box. Do something people aren't expecting.


3. Be Authentic

You are in a new place meeting new people hopefully selling something you believe in. Be yourself, have fun and enjoy the event you are taking part of. Your authenticity is something people will pick up on. Be real.


4. Don't Be Too Pushy

There's nothing I dislike more than when I enter a place to shop and someone is all up on me. Give me some space. If I like something I will buy it because 1. I can't live without it or 2. It would be a great gift. Be helpful when people ask questions, give suggestions but whatever you do; don't be pushy. You will push people away to buy from someone else.


5. Stand Behind Your Product

If you have your own brand wear it to the event. If you have your own clothing line please don't show up wearing a Chicago Bulls Hat and a Diamond Supply T-shirt. Was there a moment you saw Lebron James wearing Kobe's? How weird would it be if you went to buy soap from a lady and she couldn't speak about it.  Do research, know the meanings behind each, stand behind your brand. 

These are 5 tips that we thought could help you next time you consider setting up a pop up shop. We have set up 100+ Pop Up Shops in 30 Cities over the last year; touring with Mike Stud, G-Eazy, Tory Lanes, Rockie Fresh and Hardwell.