heart in hands
By Haissa D, Jose T, Justeen H, Abigail E, Quinn A, Vanessa A.
“Our shirt is supposed to represent bodily rights, creating and proudly wearing the
message of the constant fight against being in control of one’s body. Many situations in life often
could be questioned when it comes to taking control of anothers’ natural autonomy. Decisions
like abortion, female body mutilation and circumcision cause issues even today and we want to
show that there are those who aim to protect people from this enduring issue. The heart
represents the heart of this community, those who have been through this injustice. The angel
holding the heart shows the protectors, those fighting to keep them. This design is a not only a
casual and cool design that’s appealing to the eye, it holds a message hidden within the art.”

fight for changE
Jovaun, Jojo, Emma, Tyler, Anthony

speak to me musically
Liz U, Edward R, Jamie A, Aneres, Sophia
““We got the idea of our shirt after no longer having a music teacher. After his absence, we realized how hard it is to keep up our music program without the guidance he provided, and also got us thinking about how other schools’ music programs might be. Making this shirt, we thought about what we could do. We wanted to bring awareness to the importance of music education and how it can foster creativity along with helping the youth with their mental health. “”

“Our design was to depict an absurd image and essentially give it a slogan that seemed ironic, given that the image was absurd, seeing that something was clearly wrong, coupled with our text. To the audience, it looks cool, yet something is definitely going on, that something is wrong. However, the text is telling you “I’m ok, I swear.” This is the intention of our t-shirt, a common saying said by people who are struggling with their mental health, the absurd design, fading splatter effect in the shirt showing a dissociative decline.
The message behind the T-shirt is to represent people who struggle with mental health, especially depersonalization disorder. It is a disorder that largely struggles with dissociation, we wanted to represent a group of people who aren’t as represented.
This was meant to communicate the experience of DDD (depersonalization-derealization disorder) sufferers and general dissociation with their insides often disconnected and acting opposite of their outsides, much like how the sad, bloodied woman is juxtaposed with the bright, positive sounding text.”
Djelle G, Nicole, Daphne

Dance To heal the body and the soul
Alicia Jones