TYPE88 Freestyle Marathon feat Frank Nitti, VR., Joey Patches, PraiseOne, K.M.C. & Dru Gunnz [Audio] Music, TYPE88WebmasterAugust 5, 2019frank nitti, vr., itsvr, joey patches, praiseone, k.m.c. freestyle, dru gunn$ freestyleComment
VR. TYPE88 Interview TYPE88WebmasterJuly 22, 2019VR. TYPE88 Interview, ITSVRMUSIC, VR MUSIC, VR. MUSICComment
Mivida JDM TYPE88 Interview TYPE88WebmasterJuly 1, 2019Mivida JDM TYPE88 Interview, mivida jdm interview, mivida jdmComment
TYPE88 Interview with Debbie Roxx TYPE88WebmasterJune 17, 2019TYPE88 Interview with Debbie RoxxComment
TYPE88 Interviews EP 38 Descendent + EP 39 PraiseOne TYPE88WebmasterMay 13, 2019praiseone interview, Descendent, interview, type88Comment