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Sarah Troncone 'My Curls And Me' Interview | Respect the Author

Sarah Troncone sat down with Stereotype to talk about her new children's book ''My Curls And Me''

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Tell us the story of how you got into writing

For as long as I can remember I wanted to be a writer. Before I could even write, I'd make up stories and have my dad type them out on his computer. I'd write short stories for fun in any spare time I had, and I excelled in all of my writing classes. As a teenager, writing became my solace and sanctuary. I kept journals as a pre-teen. When I would go through heartbreak or tough times, writing would pour out of me through stories and poems. For a while, adulthood got in the way of writing, but since becoming a mother I have reconnected with writing as a passion and made a commitment to fulfilling my childhood dream.

What was your favorite book growing up?

I loved all books by Judy Bloom. I also loved the Babysitter's Club series of books.

What is your favorite book as an adult?

I'm very into Crime Novels these days, so right now, I'd say 'Into The Water' by Paula Hawkins.

What inspired you to write the book?

Becoming a mother, I did a lot of work healing my inner child and learning from my daughter. Her love for reading, reignited a love for storytelling in me. I wanted to fulfill my childhood dream of becoming a writer and was inspired by my daughter's free spirit and wild curly hair to write this fun poetry childrens book.

Tell us more about your new book

This delightful picture book celebrates the beauty and uniqueness of curly hair. The book follows the playful and fun-filled adventures of a set of diverse and active toddlers through charming rhymes and playful scenarios. With its heartfelt message of confidence and acceptance, ‘My Curls And Me’ is a book that will inspire and delight young readers and families.

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Where do you go to get into writing mode?

I love writing in coffee shops, and also in my home office. Places like the coffee shop help with generating ideas, and my quiet home office helps for perfecting the idea and really zoning into the stories. For example, within coffee shops, it's nice to get creative juices flowing by being surrounded by different people, and a buzzing environment - and a bit of caffeine helps too! When I need a quieter space, I head to my home office, doors closed, tranquil background music and just zone in and write, write, write.

Who needs to read this book?

The book is for young children - ages 0-6! But really, anyone who knows or loves someone with curly hair ;)

Who inspires you?

My daughter inspires me to be a better person every day. I love seeing the world through her eyes, and want to be someone she would want to hang out with even if I wasn't her mother.

How important is reading and literacy for youth in this world?

Reading and literacy can be a great escape from the stresses of the world, and also can help inspire, educate, and open your mind to new people, places, and things. It's a great way to also take a break from screens (TV and Social Media) which is really good for your mental health.

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream?

Never give up, and keep reinventing yourself. Life will often get in the way of your dreams, but it is up to you to continue to light your own fire and put the work in to accomplish your dreams. You should also remember, you can continuously reinvent yourself and your ideas as you get older and grow. Every situation you go through, you grow through - use that to continuously be a better version of yourself and keep pushing to accomplish your dreams.

Where can people find your new book?:


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