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Rosie Robin Troise Interview | Respect the Artist

Hi! i'm Rosie Robin Troise! The opps of staten island, heel for hire and general enemy of the people! I make comics and videos with the intent to enlighten and entertain! I'm 5' 4" and don't care about your feelings (but in a sexy way! meow!)

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How did you get your Artist name?

Longer story than this small text box allows; its like 27 characters long and the mystery is more interesting then the reality anyway.

How did you get into creating?

Is that what I do? "create"? To me its just stuff that happens in the margins of my life like eating an egg or jerking off but I wouldn't call either an act of creation. I got into "creating" because everyone seems to do that naturally. What makes me different is no one ever told me to stop.

Where are you from?

Apologies, but I'm not making doxxing me any more easy then it already is. Go watch my videos and you'll find out where on staten island I live. (oops, I spoke too much already!)

How did growing up in your neighborhood/city affect you?

Once again why the small text box to write this answer? It give me claustrophobia! The main way it affected me was setting, everything I make is set in suburbs because it pervades my psyche I only know staten island and its beauty. Seeing wildlife overrun the concrete jungle; it feels like I'm getting glimpse into the near future after humanity has gone extinct.

What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?

I Just do the thing. People act like there's some secret to Drawing or that I have a "natural talent." The truth is I have no patience to learn, I just fuck up and hope I do better next time. What people don't see is my 14 years of fucking up. Besides being stubborn I think most of knowledge comes from watching interviews with creators and When it come to video editing I just google solutions to individual problems.

What does your current setup look like?

I have two printers; an inkjet and monochrome laser printer underneath a square desk with a lightbox, a PS3 and two computers (a 2009 imac and 2021 HP pavillion) sitting on it. I work mainly on printer paper with a rapidograph or ballpoint pen or digital work on my ipad. I try to keep my room empty so I have as much space to film using a green screen I've command striped to the wall.

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Who inspires you?

As I'm sure a lot of artists agree you feel bad saying anything you make is original because everything you make comes from something you've seen or heard and often that comes from the work of other artists. It all gets pushed together in a pile and turned into "your art" and then people say you're an original because they can't see the pile for what it is; the discarded remains of other people's work. Too many people inspire me so I'll be specific to who I feel like I'm stealing from the most right now as I make my erotic Jeff golblum comic; Gina wynbrandt and johnny ryan. From gina I am stealing the use of heavy photo reference, the self insert horny-ness, and color scheme while johnny ryan I am stealing the real desire to offend, and violent imagery. From both I am stealing the great sense of humor and self-deprecating value behind it.

What is your goal when you create?

To finish the damn thing!

How has choosing your creative path affected your life?

It Gives me a reason to live basically. 9 out of 10 doctors agree: You won't kill yourself while in the middle of making a comic about a fictional erotic encounter between yourself and Jeff Goldblum.

Did you have to overcome any obstacles along the way?

Ha ha ha, I haven't overcome anything. I live paycheck to paycheck, got no insurance and I'm still only one foot out the closet as a transwoman. I haven't cleared any hurdles, My dress got caught on the barbwire fence. But by god, I am happy! No one could have crafted a better life than I already live. I live with two of my best friends who cycle in and out of the apartment so I get enough privacy but I'm rarely alone either, I have a steady job with enough downtime for me to read, write and draw during a shift, and everyone I know loves (or at least tolerates) me. I can't say I've overcome any obstacles because as far I'm concerned I've been privileged enough not to have any and If I've encountered any real obstacles I'm honestly too rose tinted in my perceptions to see them that way.

What's your go-to song right now and why is it important to you?

My go to song has long been the poem "Jerusalem" by William Blake. I always adored the cover version by Emerson Lake and Palmer. In my high school concert choir class I was asked to do my go-to song and sprung up singing Jerusalem and stepped into a nearby trash can (in reference to a monty python sketch) for the duration of the performance as a friend waltzed with me hand in hand. Ever since then its been my go-to song.

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What is your dream as an artist and what steps are you taking to reach your dream?

I want to make "one of everything" meaning a piece in each creative medium that catches my fancy. To narrow this nebulous goal down, I'll put it like this; I've made comic books, animated shorts and live action shorts so the logical follow up is to make a graphic novel, then a live action and animated feature length movie. The steps I'm taking are the same as always which is to further develop my sense of patience and then fuck up over and over again until it done. A graphic novel is just a long comic book and a movie is a just a long short film. It will take time but it will get done. The hardest part is writing a story, the rest is the joy of bringing it to Life. Currently I have this one story which over the years has accumulated so much in my notes that it could be graphic novel length so as soon as I'm done having sex with jeff Goldblum my first graphic novel will be next.

What would you tell someone else with a dream?

Just do it! Unless its evil then don't do it! Unless its like a "Fun" evil dream then just do it! Google "how to" and I'm sure something will come up.

Tell us about your most recent release

Oh yeah, a nice big textbox to get all detailed up here about my latest release, "The Deadass podcast capsule cringe episode 10: new year's eve in July." This is the season finale of my video series "the deadass podcast capsule cringe." Originally intended to be a traditional podcast of just fooling around for 1 hour with the added "twist" of being edited down to a few minutes as though it were highlights from a podcast you'll never see, the project changed when covid hit. Unable to meet up in person I decided to make it more about interacting with cartoon versions of my friends in a fictional MMORPG I had trapped them in like "Mystery science theater 3000." This acted as a framing device to connect what are otherwise disconnected comedy skits. The season finale basically just brought this premise to an close and usher in a return to reality. As much as I love seeing what I could do with the green screen, with the pandemic being "over" I wanted to focus less on myself as a one woman green screen show, and more on my friends and shooting on site, and also music. music had become another medium I wanted to get into. So ultimately the finale is a musical performance with visuals composed from unused footage from all the previous episodes. Then, of course, at the end my friend punches ryan Reynolds in order to get back to reality and we are all thrown back into the real world. My favorite response to the finale was when my friend's roommate met me and told me he had been having nightmares about the "mint mobile guy" (Ryan Reynolds) and that seeing my friend punching ryan Reynolds had cured his nightmares. Don't be afraid to make something stupid you never know who you might accidentally benefit!

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Photography credit: Rosie Robin Troise

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