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Rahkim Sabree 'Financially Irresponsible' Interview | Respect the Author

Where are you from?

 Mount Vernon, New York

Tell us the story of how you got into writing

 I’ve always had an affinity for writing and expressing myself . I’ve kept journals since a young age, however writing professionally is a recent undertaking that I started in order to build a brand and share thought leadership/ experiences/ lessons with others.

What was your favorite book growing up?

 I loved The Silence of the Lambs growing up. I was mostly into psychological thrillers/ horror. A close second was The Stand and several other Stephen King books.

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What is your favorite book as an adult?

 Uff, too many! I’m mostly into personal development and financial literacy. If I had to choose one I’d say “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”.

What is the name of your new book?

 “Financially Irresponsible”

What inspired you to write the book?

 I wanted to share my perspective on building wealth while also challenging commonly accepted believes and practices around money management.

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Tell us more about your new book

 I like to describe “Financially Irresponsible” as a self help book disguised as a financial education book. Mostly because the work focuses on mindset and behaviors over (but including) the actual practices that make up money management. The book is divided into two parts, the first addressing your spiritual and mental relationship with money, the second focusing on the practice. I also include a glossary of financial terms and some links to resources at the end of the book. The goal overall was to provide people with a foundation for financial education that they can build on later on.

Where do you go to get into writing mode?

 I like to write when and where inspiration strikes. I did however travel to Barcelona, Spain and Casablanca, Morocco for 7 days each to write my first book, “Mentorship: The Playbook”.

Who needs to read this book?

 I think everyone can benefit, but mostly those who have experienced or currently experience poverty, who haven’t had exposure to financial education, or just want a different perspective on money management.

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Who inspires you?

 Honestly, people who become inspired inspire me. Whether that is someone inspired by work I’ve done or not. I love the flash of inspiration in someone’s eyes, the flood of ideas, and definitely the execution. Seeing someone birth something from an idea is magical and exciting. It makes me want to work harder.

How important is reading and literacy for youth in this world?

 It’s the MOST important. My grandfather use to tell me the best education comes from traveling first then reading second. Not everyone has the means to travel, but everyone can read!

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream to create something they dream of?

 Don’t wait for it to be perfect. Create a minimum viable product and get it out there. Adjust as you go. Too many good ideas never get executed on due to analysis paralysis. Do it now.

Where can people find your new book?:

People can find my new book at

Where can people find you?



