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Nicole Patrice Thomas 'The Prophecy' Interview | Respect The Author

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Where are you from?: Queens, NY

Tell us the story of how you got into writing: I began writing as a teenager and continued writing into adulthood. It has been an emotional outlet for me.

What was your favorite book growing up?: I couldn't begin to narrow it down to one book. Reading has always been like breathing for me. Ask any family member and they will recount moments where I was missing from family gatherings because I was in a corner somewhere with a book in my face. I can remember a family vacation where I was more excited about the room having a small library than the beach.

What is your favorite book as an adult?: Now I have favorite genres but still no favorite book or author. I enjoy reading historical and biblical fiction, science-fiction and clean fantasy. I OCCCASIONALLY read romance books but very sparsely, weak female characters who constantly need rescuing irritate me. To the point of wanting to scream COME ON ALREADY to the pages lol. This could also be why I avoid hallmark movies!

What is the name of your new book?: The Prophecy.

What inspired you to write the book?: The series itself was inspired by a prayer for guidance and a dream. I literally saw Alanna running for her life through a mist filled forest, I woke up around 3 am and began writing. I wrote throughout that day and the following days and weeks until it was finished.

Tell us more about your new book: This is the second book in the trilogy and it picks up with Alric and his sister Elainea having made it to the top of the mountain only to return home and find heartbreak waiting for them. 
The king, long thought dead has returned and with his reappearance offers Alric the means to escape a destiny he never wanted. Plagued with self doubt Alric unearths an ancient artifact, a sword with a gem imbued with power in its hilt, he hopes that by wielding it it will enable him to become the man, the KING everyone wants him to be. But his desperation has the opposite effect, and unleashes a wave of darkness that drags him down a path of pain. The fulfillment of the Prophecy has become the driving force behind every action, it holds the key to defeating the dark lord and restoring balance to Elhaanai, but it could potentially claim the soul of its savior in the process. 

This book is definitely darker than the first but hopefully just as gripping.

Where do you go to get into writing mode?: I can write almost anywhere if i get inspired and led to do so. The majority of writing this book was done at home during the quarantine while the first book I predominantly while wrote at work and the same for the last book which I am currently working on now. I do not need silence to write but prefer not to have music playing.

Who needs to read this book?: If you enjoy fast paced fantasy then you will enjoy my books. If you are looking for clean fiction, then you may enjoy my books. While it is classified as YA fantasy, and there are no explicit sex scenes or romance or cursing, there are some dark things that happen throughout the series. I think anyone who just needs to escape the crazy reality for a slightly less crazy fictional world will enjoy these books.

Who inspires you?: Anyone who doesn't give up, if you work hard day in and day out for what you want then you have something I can learn.

How important is reading and literacy for youth in this world?: It is extremely important, and not necessarily only fiction or nonfiction. I think it is important for everyone to have a good mix of reading material to learn and glean from. You have no idea how many seemingly random pieces of information you can pick up while reading for leisure that can come back as useful in the strangest of times.

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream to create something they dream of?: BEGIN. Just take that first step, no matter how small it may seem, just do it. And then do it again every day, every chance you get until you reach your definition of success. And I say YOUR definition of success because it is too easy to get stuck comparing where you are to someone who is further along. You need to have tunnel vision and focus on your path.

Where can people find your new book?:



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