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Marissa DiMarco Interview | Respect the Founder

Marissa DiMarco sat down with Stereotype Co to discuss her business journey.

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What is the name of your business?

PartnerPerfect Consultants

Where are you from?

New York

What was your first business? How old were you?

MDD VA Consulting - 38

When did you know working for yourself was the way to go?

During Covid when I was working for a law firm & virtual assistant agency. I loved both jobs but realized I could do the same thing independently.

Can you talk us through your career to date and how you found your way to where you are now?

I started off working as an Administrative Assistant in small businesses in 2008 then moved to the Nonprofit world in 2010. While there I finished my Bachelor's degree in Sociology and found my way over to Big 4 accounting. I generally always liked where I worked but could never fully see myself being anywhere for the long haul. I eventually jumped into tech & then law. My last position (which I still hold) is for a tech company which I genuinely enjoy. As always, my brain thought: There has to be more.

What we do is three-fold:

1) Flexible Work: As a mom, I knew that working from home was something I didn't want to give up and after working through Covid I knew I didn't have to.
2) Provide Quality Service: Simultaneously, I knew there were businesses and entrepreneurs looking for ways to take back the time in their day while also growing their own business. It's what PartnerPerfect is best at. Partnering with YOU to help remove the small things from the proverbial never-ending plate.
3)Connection: There are many different types of people who do their best work from home but cannot reach the clientele in a freelance capacity. We connect the two together.

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What inspired you to start your business?

My daughter. I currently work from home which is amazing and I'm so grateful for the ability to do so. I get to watch all of her important moments. I wanted to be continue being able to have that flexibility while also providing it to others. My business partner also works from home and loves having the same flexibility to take care of the things in her life as well. We came together to not only provide it for ourselves but others

In a post Covid world, we are very much innovating every second of the day. Different industries and businesses are constantly recalibrating to meet the needs of their consumers, but what about the employees? Happier workers produce better results.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see in your market?

Marketing and getting our name out there.

Who was one of your biggest supporters early on?

My business partner and my husband. Without either one of them this doesn't exist. They are both the best people I've ever met.

What advice do you have for professionals looking to get started in your industry?

Find what calls to you, hone in on it and dig deep. Become the expert someone needs.

Can you recommend one good business book, business podcast/radio show?

Atomic Habits by James Clear

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream?

Dream it, work towards it, complete it and start another.


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