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Marcie Delapaz Interview | Respect the Founder

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What is the name of your business?

Created for You Artists Market | Marcie photography | Let Your Voices be Heard Podcast Show

Where are you from?

Brooklyn | Staten Island

What was your first business?

Marcie Photography

When did you know working for yourself was the way to go?

When i started to have repeated clients and was on demand.

Can you talk us through your career to date and how you found your way to where you are now?

My first passion is photography. Ive been doing this for 12 years. At first it was challenging like anything else we first start. Once i started to practice more and saw how much i can create in an image i fell in love with the craft. I went on from landscape to portraits to parties. It was so much fun. I Had done a few art exhibitions in different art galleries. You really get to see how people see your artistry. From there i started to join different events to promote my photography business and services. I came across a wonderful woman that was doing events monthy back in 2016. I joined with her a partnership into creating more events to help promote small businesses. Right here on the island. Unfortunately she had left to another state and left me with the business to run myself. Thats when Created for You Artists Market was born. I continued doing events around Staten Island with a mission to continue the same passion and goals that me and my ex business partner had. Ive been established since 2017. Still creating events and helping small businesses to grow their brand across the island and other locations. We also create workshops and programs to help those in their businesses. I wanted to pass on the things ive learned to help others. Ive met so many great people and talents doing this business. It is definitely another passion that has grown in me over these few years. Then came the pandemic of 2020. No events was happening and everything was at a standstill. I was heartbroken because i didnt know how i was able to still have markets and events for the community. Then came an opportunity to start a podcast show. That was thru Hub17nyc with Kenny Graham. He started a podcast workshop and i was intrigued. The idea came into my head and said: This is where ill continue to create a platform and support small businesses. So i started my show called Starving Artist Podcast show. I had on all of my entrepreneurs and small businesses come on the show and talk about their businesses and goals. It was a hit and i felt this was an open opportunity to continue helping others. After two years, i took off from podcasting in 2022. I was overwhelmed with my other businesses. But then i realized i needed to return to do my podcasting again and changed the name now to Let Your Voices be Heard Podcast Show. I felt the need to change the name bc the show had evolved into not only about businesses but about everyday life topics. I wanted to open up that side and capture more of real life stories. I love to talk to people and engage in conversations. I wanted to give the opportunity for everyone to hear and get something out of this. A word of encouragement is all sometimes a person needs to hear and i wanted to be able to fulfill that need. This journey into the business world has been in so many ways challenging but gratifying for me. Ive learned alot thru this and looking forward to learning more. Life is a school of hard knocks so many lessons yet to learn.

What inspired you to start your business?

My inspiration comes from wanting to help others succeed in their entrepreneurship businesses. Ive come across many first timers that dont know where to go or how to start their business. I wanted to fill up their heads with ideas and information on how they can help grow their business. From there i saw the need to do workshops for business owners, getting experts on my podcast show to give advice on topics that would help them grow their business. From marketing to financial literacy to promoting and encouraging. I think the most i like to do is to encourage those where they see themselves failing bc their business is not where they thought it would be. Everything takes time to grow and i want them to know this is ok. Its ok to fail and to do it all over again, cause if we dont fail how will we learn from our failures?

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What are some of the biggest challenges you see in your market?

Life comes with challenges but its how we deal with them. But i say mostly the Cutthroats. Lol! Ill be honest! People out here wanna talk shit and then smile to your face. It becomes challenging when they Give you a bad name with others and you dont know why people are responding to you negatively all because someone wants to bring you down. Theres no honesty or respect. Now dont get me wrong, not all are the same. But there are a few bad apples out here ive come across in these few years. We all are hustlers. Why cant people just mind their own business (literally) and help support others? I would say it to be an eye opener of who is truly appreciative and support your business. Not everyone will be happy for your success. I could be more positive on this question but i wouldn't be honest!! Im just keeping it.

Who was one of your biggest supporters early on?

My biggest supporter is God. Yup! He allows me to do this job and allows me to be on this path this journey. But Here on earth my biggest supporters are my clients my small business owners and those that allow me to do what i do in their place of business. Their are a few business owners out here that have collaborated with me and im so thankful for the opportunity. Thats what is all about. To support one another to complete the same goal. Small business community is small out here. Im thankful for those that answers the call. I want to thank Jay and Tricia from Flagship Brewery. They were the first ones that allowed me to start my events there. They opened their doors to me and inspired me to continue onto my journey in creating more markets and events for the community. Thanks guys!

What advice do you have for professionals looking to get started in your industry?

The best advice i can give is knowledge is key. To the young entrepreneurs, get yourself involved in different workshops, seminars, groups. Learn as much as you can. I was self taught at the beginning but later on i learned i needed professional help in order to advance in my craft. Participate in events, fairs and networking events. I think thats where great minds meet. It can be Beneficial to advance in your business. Also consider the question; how serious are you about our business? Do you have what it takes?? Are you strong enough to face challenges when they come along?

Can you recommend one good business book, business podcast/radio show?

I recommend my podcast show! Lol! Yup! I said it! Why not? Let Your Voices be Heard Podcast Show. Why? Because this is what i do. In Helping the community to learn on what i bring to the show. From real life topics to business owners speaking on their challenges and successes. I bring to the show people that are experts or have years of experience on running a business.Entrepreneurs expressing their interest and passion about their businesses. The show is live and unscripted.

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream?

I say never give up on your dreams. It took me a long time to even touch the surface on reaching my goals and dreams and im still reaching. Dreaming can take you to a place on creating more passion and creativity. Let that fill you up and push you to make it into reality. We live in a world where nothings impossible with technology, social media and people that will support your dreams. But first you have to believe that you can do it and that God has placed in you a heart and mind made to create beautiful things. We are all born with a purpose in life. Go out there and make it happen. And whenever you become discouraged think back on the real reason why you started this in the first place. It was your passion!! Don’t forget that!


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Photography credit: Marcie Photography

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