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Kimbrea Thee Artist Interview | Respect the Dreamer

Hi, I’m Kimbrea thee artist. I have been drawing for over 20 years. Art is the love of my life and at one point in my life, it was and still is the only true friend in my life. Coming up in the world I have always been misunderstood, outcasted, and underestimated. At the age of 14 I was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. This would explain my deep focus to detail in turn making me a realism artist. Art gave me something to lean on when all else fell. I always had my craft to lean on and use as a form of therapy to get through lonely hard times. I graduated with my bachelor of science degree in graphic design at Full Sail University Orlando FL. I also got my master's of fine arts degree in digital media design from there also. Although I accomplished this I still did not feel this career filed was for filing for me. This degree filed kept me in a box that I would soon crawl out only to crawl back into the love of my life art\ drawing. Ever since last years, things have been looking up for me with ARTVENGERS allowing me to have my very first art show. It is such an honor to work with such amazing kind kind-hearted passionate and talented people [Fit Name here] their stories warmed my heart and inspired me. ARTVENGERS gave me an opportunity no one else ever wanted to give me.

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What inspired you to pursue your dream, and how did it all begin?:

There was a very simple explanation to this. I was at church one day I was 8 or 9 years of age. I saw at picture of a woman on the wall. I made a wish to myself and said I wish I could draw like that. I thought about that painting for a while. At some point, I tried it. Age 13 I had markers crayons crayola pencils. I started drawing simple structures of what I would call a face. If I still had them today I would still find them to be beautiful just as much as my art is today. On from there, I continued to do it. The phrase that people always told me was “Keep it up don’t stop” This phrase is the one thing that kept me going this path of becoming a fine artist. Stopping would make me look like the crowd me continuing to use my gifts is what makes me the light of inspiration to thousands who come across my art.

Can you share a defining moment in your journey that shaped your perspective and fueled your passion?:

This may be cliché “constructive criticism” Some time ago maybe somewhere between 9 to 14 years ago someone asked me why is all my art one dimensional. This gave me a deeper perspective on composition and definition in art. This is when I started to watch better artists create depth. This was very Intimidating at first but at some point, I started to truly understand what they meant and started to see my style change over time. Also going through hard times when one thing didn’t work while trying to do other things coming back to art was and is the best thing I could ever have done.

How do you handle setbacks and keep pushing forward in the pursuit of your dreams?:

When this happens it not a bad thing it’s an opportunity for growth. When all else fails try something different. I can also say taking a risk. Jump off the ledge there water down there if you have learned enough jump is you will look cool and it’s ends up being rad jump it’s fun .

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Are there specific individuals who have inspired you along the journey?:

Honestly my mom and say are my biggest cheerleaders. When I wanted to give up my mom didn’t let me. My dad gave me my first computer in 1995. He is extremely intelligent and has been a computer technician for longer than iv been alive. My mom inspires me and shows me love and is a generous, Gracious woman of God. This woman believes in me more than I ever have even now. God truly blessed me with the best parents on the planet no lie.

How do you maintain a balance between pursuing your dreams and handling everyday responsibilities?:

Idk I don’t

How do you overcome self-doubt and stay confident in your abilities?:

I just keep doing and taking risks. Making my job harder and longer makes my work better. Then I remember how far I have came and how far I have to go there is no way to give up is gonna be in the plans and the rest is for the weary I’m not gonna say I don’t get weary I just don’t Stay there very long.

Can you share a memorable success story or achievement that resulted from your determination?:

Well, one of my first big accomplishments was writing my first book and selling out on my first book signing shout to my mom and my cousin Vanshell and her husband for supporting me and allowing me the opportunity to inspire others. My mom was the one who gave me the idea. And their mainly poems and art from my teenage years of doodling in class while I was supposed to be taking notes. . Another of course graduates with two degrees and still staying in my passions and going where the wind takes me and working on myself along the way. Do I can find out what I’m capable of not what I think I want to be capable of. Chasing dreams is like running a mile in someone else shoes just to have what they have which may seem like what you want but some dreams coming true is enjoying the journey and letting be what will be so that maybe you can reach a height that is higher you ever imagined and has a better view.

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In what ways do you stay motivated during challenging times?:

I just keep doing whatever I love and meditate on what I want. Practicing mindfulness and remembering every hard time will end nothing last forever as long as I treat people with love and respect and take necessary risks to reach my goals I will get there or somewhere better than expected.

What dream are you living right now?:

I’m doing what I always wanted to do when I was younger.

What advice would you give to someone with a dream?:

Mind only the business that serves you. Make decisions that will help you and others. Take risks and keep doing what you love. Never settle for second best and make it happen if not someone else will.



TikTok: @kimbreatheartist

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