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Destiny Rodriguez Interview - Respect the Founder

This interview was curated by Abby Lee Rose.

Destiny Rodriguez sat down with us to talk about her entrepreneurship journey.

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What is the name of your business?: Finding Destiny

Where are you from?

I was raised on Staten Island

What was your first business? How old were you?

30- Baby Paint/ Play classes

When did you know working for yourself was the way to go?

In 2020, when the pandemic hit, I was the director of a non-profit mental health program. At the time, I worked for the agency for over 10 years. My program was closing out, and I was able to transfer to another dept. within the agency. I initially created my platform to be a fun/ safe place to connect during the lockdown. With great feedback, I began to focus more on a business aspect. I have 3 children, and with child care challenges/ home schooling, I decided to resign, and utilize the skills I had to start my own platform. I could be present for my children, make money, and have fun helping others work on themselves. Seemed like a good opportunity.

Can you talk us through your career to date and how you found your way to where you are now?

For over 10 years, I’ve taught anger management classes, parenting courses,hosted workshops, community outreaches, and more, which primarily focused on individuals mental health. This was for an agency. I’ve always been a resourceful person. In 2020 I created an online platform that allowed viewers to watch remotely, and be interactive with me/ each other about everyday topics. I included a local business into my sessions that would give away a prize. I received so much good feedback, and decided to try to 1-1 life coaching sessions. Quickly I realized I didn’t want to go this way, but wasn’t sure what to do, and I paused my business for a while. As time went on, I wanted to get focused on it again, but wasn’t sure how. Since I loved hosting the groups in the beginning, I decided to focus on that, but turn them into in-person events. I make on year this month, hosting them in local community businesses.

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What inspired you to start your business?

I love helping people. I want to be able to be flexible with my time. I have the skills to do it. Why not live out my dreams !

What are some of the biggest challenges you see in your market?

Since I’m in the mental health field/ emotional wellness, it can be challenging to get people to understand its importance. People say they want to do the work, but often don’t want to put in the REAL work. A lot of people want instant gratification, physical proof of them spending their money. I provide an experience, and often times you’re not going to physically see instant proof, but with time, you will notice the changes in the quality of your life.

Who was one of your biggest supporters early on?

My partner at the time was a big support ! When I didn’t see the vision, he would often keep me grounded/ focused. He believed in me/ it, which helped me to keep striving.

What advice do you have for professionals looking to get started in your industry?

Just do it ! Create your plan, find your people. Don’t wait for others, and don’t allow your dreams to only be valid if your direct circle supports it !

Can you recommend one good business book, business podcast/radio show?

Get good with money : The Budgetnista by Tiffany Aliche

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream?

Go for it ! Whether it works or not, do it !

Instagram: http://DestinysHappyHour

Photography credit: @ECKZavier

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